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Why did the writers remove Misty?

How do you feel about the writers choice about removing Misty?

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Maybe, but it depends, some people don't like the Azurill she has (since it makes her lose her firery attitude) and wants her to shove it in a Monster Ball, and the writers have to do what the fans want, so if they get rid of Azurill (or at least put it in a Monster Ball) then maybe she'll come back.

I personally want her to come back, considering she was my favorite female character.

Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~


Well-Known Member
Nobody knows, i didnt really like Misty, but now that May is in it, she kills the mood, shes so quiet and dull, atleast Misty screamed and made me laugh at times, they should somehow replace May for Misty again, but i doubt thats ever gonna happen.

Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
x shinobi x said:
Nobody knows, i didnt really like Misty, but now that May is in it, she kills the mood, shes so quiet and dull, atleast Misty screamed and made me laugh at times, they should somehow replace May for Misty again, but i doubt thats ever gonna happen.

..This does happen to be a debate about if you think that Misty will come back, not which one you like better. ¬¬


Well-Known Member
What i meant was like, when she talks its like in a plain mood (its pretty hard to explain) but when Misty talked there was this thing in her voice thats freaky and cool at the same time, and i miss that.

Seijiro Mafuné

You weren't wandering sens. Sens are not easy to wander as.

You were wondering since.

And I doubt it. She's had her spot on the limelight for 5 seasons straight. I say she should take a break.



Adam: I rate this thread a 1 out of 5.

On-topic: Definetly not likely.


Lmao Ridley
[On Topic]
I agree with Wolf Goddess, they did exhaust her character, and my only question about her return is what has she got to come back for, shes been travelling with ash for 5 seasons, been a friend to him, helped him, Blah, but even so they brought in two new characters (why they kept brock ill never know), if shes going to come back, shell just do the same thing she did as the last 5 seasons, and personally i liked it when they took her out, and brought in two new characters, but from earlier posts, i love that azurill she has :eek:


Original Pokeshipper
The only reason Misty would be a main character again is if she had a much bigger role, along the line of May and her contests. So the writers will have to make a contest in which Misty can partisipate in, or she wont be back.

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
Kasumi's run her course. She's got her bike back, she's got her gym, she released Togechick - there's nothing more for her to do. Unless the writers come up with a new premise for her character, I say keep her out of the picture. Besides, Haruka was a perfect replacement, since her role as the "newbie" Pokémon trainer offers a great deal of character development.

High Commander Solomon

This is MADNESS!
I'm sorry, she's not coming back. Didn't you hear about the new Chronicles ep in which the secret of the Vermillion truck is revealed? [SPOIL]She gets run over by Psyduck, and the episode ends with Psyduck attempting to find and kill Richie.[/SPOIL]
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