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Why do people hate Ubers?

Do you hate Ubers?

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I see a lot of people posting that they don't like Ubers. Why, why hate a pokemon just because it is strong?


I am the game
They are powerful but there is no rule against them so i voted i dunno.


Well-Known Member
Because if your battling someone and they send out a Mewtwo and your using a pokemon like say Sceptile Mewtwo with its Super stats is gonna easily kick its ***. People hate them because they can easily beat "normal" pokemon without any effort


Shuckle trainer
Ubers are too powerful and unfair to use. If you're using an uber, you can win just through their amazing stats rather than using a strategy, which is the whole point of pokemon. Also, they get really boring after a while because people use them all the time.

-shuckle_is_the_best ;213;


i always use strong ones (ubers sounds retarded) what if you battle some one also using legedaries.

;244; ;150; ;151; ;249; ;251;

Supreme Golden Ho-oH

Well-Known Member
I don't think anyone really "hates" ubers, I think people just don't like to use them because they are too strong, and because of that, can win a match easily.
I don't agree with that, I think that it's alright to use ubers. Still, I don't agree with overusing them, because that ruins the game's fun.


Well-Known Member
i always use strong ones (ubers sounds retarded) what if you battle some one also using legedaries.

;244; ;150; ;151; ;249; ;251;

Exactly, why not go with ubers if your opponent is using them.


I Love Ubers More Than Life Itself!


I don't hate them. Why? Since they are stronger then other pokemon. That is why I like them.

Shocker mg

I Have Awakened....
I love using ubers. I don't use them because they're the strongest. I use them to show the fact of accomplishment.

Silver Mew

Mew Master
I don't mind them, only I get mad when I use my normal party and my brother stocks his party with his strongest Legendaries.....Grrr...


Dynamo Trainer
I like breeding for outstanding stats better than battling. Ubers can't breed. So, I don't really like ubers. I'm not too fond of the weaker unbreedables, either, for the same reason.

The only uber I like is Wobbuffet, because I was able to breed for a perfect one. But, I won't use it in Link Battles because it is cheap and annoying.