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Why do people like sceptile?

I'm amazed how people can "survive" with Treeko as their first pokemon. Grass pokemon have 4 weaknesses! People say their movepool is good. What's a movepool?

Another question! What's special attack and special defense? What are the special attacks?


Kyokudo <33
first of all 4 weaknesses isnt bad
second,treecko is great in game
survivng is easy with him because of his excelent speed
and a movepool are the moves a pokemon learns
and sceptile is da sh*t he won me 3gold symbols,so dont be insulting him:mad:


Well-Known Member
I hated Treeko, I thought it would be good, then when I got to the Elite 4, I was bummed Sceptile was weak and has a limited ingame movepool

Swampert > Sceptile


Kyokudo <33
His in-game movepool is basically oh-ko!My swampert died all the time in BF
but sceptile owns everyone,his movepool is actually really good:
leaf blade
dragon claw/t-punch
leech seed/t-punch


Well-Known Member
Movepool refers to the moves that the Pokemon can learn. Since Sceptile can learn moves such as Dragon Claw, Thunderpunch, Crunch, Earthquake, Aerial Ace, and Brick Break in addition to the very good Leaf Blade (some only through move tutors or breeding), it can be very versatile.

Special attack and Special Defense refer to these types in the games up through 3rd generation (R/S/E/FR/LG/G/S/C/R/B/Y):
Water., Ice, Fire, Grass, Electric, Psychic, Dragon, Dark. The stats determine how much damage a Pokemon can do with them (SPAtk) and how well they withstand them (SPDef). For types not listed, the regular Attack/Defense stats apply. Therefore, use Leaf Blade/Crunch/ThunderPunch/Dragon Claw or sub in an annoyance/support move to take advantage of its SpAtk stat.

D/P have a whole different definition of physical/special attack and defense, not based on type.
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Nonono! I was not insulting Sceptile!!!! I was just wondering. KEEP YOUR SCEPTILE!!!!


Kyokudo <33
why would I get rid of my sceptile its shiny!?lol
no really sceptile is actually really good
and I like him because he looks cool too^^


<Soto the Quilava!
It's okay in my opinion. I still prefer Swampert or Blazeiken, but it isn't half bad. I'm just not a grass type fan much. But it's useful for the tough gyms (rock, electric, and water) and has great speed.


Bullet Punch
People like Sceptile because of its speed and fair movepool. It makes a good special sweeper.



Sera Kureseria
Personally, I prefer fire types, but I went with Sceptile in my Emerald and he helped me survive so much. 'Course, I still needed to trade in a Numel from my Ruby to beat Wattson with ground's immunity to Electric, but...


The new tuxedo look!
I rather like sceptile, it was my first shiny... but now all my shiny clones of him are gone because my little sister released them...:mad:


Well-Known Member
Sceptile is my favorite of the starters (excluding D/P). My Sceptile luckily got hidden power fire, so it really covers up its weakness.


Sceptile is an amazing pokemon! It is a amazing special sweeper and a good subseeder.


Good Eye Sniper
It is an amazing pokemon its speed is great and it is great at taking down guys and is way better than Blasiken by far.


I personally like sceptile cause of it's leaf blade, dragon claw, crunch, and thunderpunch moveset which is really good. It's speed and sp. attack pwn too.


Well-Known Member
His in-game movepool is basically oh-ko!My swampert died all the time in BF
but sceptile owns everyone,his movepool is actually really good:
leaf blade
dragon claw/t-punch
leech seed/t-punch

Having Crunch and Leech Seed on the same moveset is illegal. The Leech Seed/Substitute/Leftovers combination owns.