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why do people think pokemon's repetitive?

I'm already obvious about the team rocket,pokemon filler episode thing but tell me a show thats not repetitive(I'm not saying this in a agressive way).

dark trainer

Well-Known Member
its very bad it indicates that the writers are out of ideas and only continue it for money and take everything from the games

Leon Phelps

Don't Tread on Me
I don't care what anyone says, Thunder Armor is one hell of a twist.

Pokemon is repetitive because it is. The plot is like zero if ya know what I'm sayin'.


The Power of Pika

Way Past Cool!!
It is repetitive but that's what makes me want to watch it.

Do you remember the old Road runner cartoons, Bugs Bunny ect. They were extremely successful in their time. They were as big as Pokemon back in the time they aired and they are still released on DVD as classics. They were repetitive aswell. Repitition seems to equal success still for some reason.

Korobooshi Kojiro

I think Japanese kids may not mind repetiveness, as many of their highest rating Anime (Conan and Doraemon) are just that.

And don't forget the MOTD plots in Sentai.
Yeah, look at pretty much any popular long running japanese series.

Most likely, it is extremely repititive and "_________ of the week"

Dancing Kirby

Well-Known Member
Well, you never know when the writers will come up with a filler episode that's actually interesting.

Doesn't happen too often, but often enough so that people stay interested in it, I guess.

Captain Brain

Well-Known Member
The plot line has always been similar but they do mix it up from time to time. This is not always successful, but in the case of May worked really well. ;025;


Natsu no Maboroshi
I don't think is repetitive. I never get tired of watching the anime.


It's a 22-minute long advertisement targeted towards small children. Enough said.

Besides, if doing the same thing over and over keeps bringing in money, why stop that?
Hikari does contets, may does contests.

Also it's the same plot line every day. Ash and co are walking travelling to *insert gym here* and then they bump into a boy/girl that has *insert pokemon here* They try to fix it but then Team Rocket appears. They say there motto and then steals *insert pokemon here* and Pikachu. They some how beat Team Rocket and they take the Pokemon back. It goes to ads then they wave good bye in a sunset. The end. That practicly sums up all the episodes.
Because it is.

Typical episode of Pokemon.

Ash: Look Pikachu. A town.
Pika: Pika.
*In the town*
Random person: Ahh Help I have lost my Pokemon.
Ash: We'll get it back!


Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
It is repetitive but that's what makes me want to watch it.

Do you remember the old Road runner cartoons, Bugs Bunny ect. They were extremely successful in their time. They were as big as Pokemon back in the time they aired and they are still released on DVD as classics. They were repetitive aswell. Repitition seems to equal success still for some reason.

Do you mind telling me when they stopped being extreamely successful?


Waiting for FFXIII
I don't find the anime repetitive. Ash and company do battle Team Rocket every episode (unless a gym battle one) and they do meet at least one new character every week with its Pokemon, but every episode they have a new way of representing the idea. That's why I don't find it repetitive.


So hot he's on fire.
Because it IS repetitive. All it is is Ash beating Gym Leaders and going to his stupid little league and losing, and the random other girl tagging along and being a coordinator. (Except for Misty, but she sucked anyway so she doesn't matter.)

Everything is predictable, too. :/ And remarkably similar to other things that have happened before. Bikes, anyone? Even the dub titles are being rehashed. It's retarded.

Leon Phelps

Don't Tread on Me
they eventually run out of interesting episode ideas, and if they do, they go make a movie about it
*cocks eyebrow* The interesting episode ides were few and far between. I'd say they're being lazy. Look at Hoenn for example. Of all the great landscapse found in the game, most of them were utterly ignored for a random, generic forest. That's just the tip of the iceberg.

The anime isn't successful because of the garbage episode plots and stale formulas. It's successful because it's the only form of media where people can see their favorite Pokemon animated and in action.

The Power of Pika

Way Past Cool!!
Do you mind telling me when they stopped being extreamely successful?

So Bugs Bunny and is still successful where you are. I guess I just presumed that those cartoons have lost popularity since shops where I live are actually trying so hard to get rid of those classics that they dropped them from $2o to $1. They were practically giving them away because they weren't selling. I guess Warner Brothers must be still doing good in other countries. I shouldn't have presumed it.