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Why do you think Meowth talks in the first place?


Well-Known Member
UMMM... Mabye b/c you should've watched the episode where they explained it...
He taught himself to impress a girl Meoweth...

as seen in a Kanto episode.
Um, maybe because I didn't know there was an episode that explained it......

I just need opinions....


Well-Known Member
ummmm franky already told you why...


Scuffle of Legends
ok ok ok i was going to be mean and be like "your dumb theres an episode" but people have done that already, and i actually dont like it when people treat me like that.

well first of all, when you have a question about something that is really old, like meowth talking, and you havent seen all the old episodes, i suggest you go back into ep. guides, because people here will treat you like your dumb.

any whoo, he wanted to impress a female meowth
ok ok ok i was going to be mean and be like "your dumb theres an episode" but people have done that already, and i actually dont like it when people treat me like that.

Good. If you were mean to me like you say you were going to, you'd be reported so fast, you'd be in a time warp.

Anyhow, I did not know there was an episode that explained it, sorry, and quit posting and let this thread be closed, okay?