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Why does everyone want the rare pokemon on there team???


Elite Fire Trainer
i dont know why usually i like to use them i nearly always use kyogre, but thats all 4 sapphire, and i always used lugia and tried to use one or more of the dogs in silver, i didnt play b/r/y much so i dont remember them


Don't Blink
People want the rares to fill the Pokedex, and the rare tend to be strong. People can use any Pokemon, but Evolution is there to help, so if you stay behind while everyone else moves on, that's gonna cost you. In the Anime, it works differently. It is more varied. And to be honest, most People hate Legendaries because they're strong, and they all say 'ZOMFG EVERYONE USES 00BERS DEY SUXORS COZ THEY BEAT U' and it's annoying. So yeah. I rest my case.



I agree with that lucario dude. Use whatever the fukk u whatnt
and don't b!tch if they beat your pikachu with a groudon, why the hell don't you just get that damn kyoger out of that box and start using it moron?

I have evry god damn right to use oobers, that's the reason theyr in games at all, to use them!!! Nd if you whant to ba challenged with non oobers than ficht at trainer tower or battle frontier and stop yer winin.

God freaking people that won't let us use our babies...


God of Murkrow

Devourer of Children
I agree with that lucario dude. Use whatever the fukk u whatnt
and don't b!tch if they beat your pikachu with a groudon, why the hell don't you just get that damn kyoger out of that box and start using it moron?

I have evry god damn right to use oobers, that's the reason theyr in games at all, to use them!!! Nd if you whant to ba challenged with non oobers than ficht at trainer tower or battle frontier and stop yer winin.

God freaking people that won't let us use our babies...


Congratulations, that post absolutely butchered what was left of the English language.

I catch the legendaries, but don't use them in battle. If you use them in battle...well, don't.


I don't use them myself, I find it takes the fun out of battling, but I don't mind when other people use them, as long as they don't use ubers against me when battling me, because... again, that takes all the fun out of it.
i nearly always use legendaries on my games there powerful and rare
powerful?u can say that to all 489 pokemon
and rare?well not when half of everyone that plays the games have them


Washu's Lover
Because people are superfical and want to look cool like this stupid lugia obsessed brat I once knew. Never really liked lugia that much to be honest, mewtwo was cooler.


Salingerian Phony
There are my two cents: The people who like to use Legendaries, they can if they want to. I wouldn't be as happy than if they didn't, but if they think they're cool. That's cool with me too.

What I don't like would be the kids who put together teams of Legendaries thinking that whatever moves they put on them will completely whip any non-Legendaries. For them...well, as they say, the bigger they are, the harder they fall.


not that its bad but why do i hardly ever see normal teams like ashes or mays?why do most people only want a rayquaza,groudon,kyogre and u get the point.couse if its becouse there the strongest then that doesent half to be true.u can be a awsome trainer with just basics if u want just check out ash.he never needed to evolv bulbasour or squirtle and still hes almost the best.just tired of seeing people having all rare pokemon on there teams and that wont make it fun to battle people when pokemon revolution comes out.

Ash had the help from the animators. I only watch the anime so I can point out how Ash got help. How does a snorlax take 5,000 damage from a hariyama and still win? That's why I hate the show.


Real-life Gothorita
Hehe, although it was a valid point made, most of the people in this thread are saying how they don't use legendaries! But i know in general most people do. I like to have a team that people won't know what's next and that is different to the cliche's (no tyranitaur or dusclops etc)
My team right now is Gardevoire, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Ghastly, Primeape and Ninetales... I like my team.


Drifblim landing!
There are my two cents: The people who like to use Legendaries, they can if they want to. I wouldn't be as happy than if they didn't, but if they think they're cool. That's cool with me too.

What I don't like would be the kids who put together teams of Legendaries thinking that whatever moves they put on them will completely whip any non-Legendaries. For them...well, as they say, the bigger they are, the harder they fall.

You pratically said everything I was thinking.

Most people I link up with have 3-5 Legends on their teams and it does tick me off in the sense that it just isn't fair. The reason they're banned in competetive play is because they're too powerful. I don't use legends on my team unless I'm fighting someone who does. In that case I'll prove the trios crap the stronger legends! Only legends I use are in-game (Only when NEEDED, as in I beat all gyms and the E4 without them) and if I use them competitivley I use legal legends as in the trios. I don't mind facing an Articuno or something but Groudon or Ho-oh is pushing it. Heck even Mew is a pain to deal with although I admit I am training mine to get back at those uber using rats (I just refered to the people I linked with, not uber users in general). Worst partt is if you beat them they claim you cheated becauseyou took down their Lugia with a Scizor. I'm sorry I didn't mean to win the friendly competitve match :rolleyes: Plus it's a waste of time training ubers if you ever intend to enter tournaments. Worst of all is when they cheat to get them. I went up against someone with a Lv45 Mewtwo O.O slightly low is you ask me...


I use legendaries to finish off the game quick. Then I start breeding and stuff. Cos you can't really do much b4 defeating the E4. Then I don't use them. Not using legendaries makes it more fun. But people use legendaries bcos they're very strong. Too strong.


Well-Known Member
not that its bad but why do i hardly ever see normal teams like ashes or mays?why do most people only want a rayquaza,groudon,kyogre and u get the point.couse if its becouse there the strongest then that doesent half to be true.u can be a awsome trainer with just basics if u want just check out ash.he never needed to evolv bulbasour or squirtle and still hes almost the best.just tired of seeing people having all rare pokemon on there teams and that wont make it fun to battle people when pokemon revolution comes out.

my diamond team seems normal ,no rare pokes to me. and to answer the question
1.they're rare and special and hard to find
2.typically they're good and powerful then normal pokemon


Well-Known Member
I don´t use legendairies because most of them are just ugly and uninspirered.

The kanto bird trio was a joke to me back in the RGY days...never used a single one..
the jotho beast trio isn´t interesting either..Suicune is okay, but nothing I´d use.
the golems are a bit better,but not much and I don´t like their tank-ish use.
Mewtu is cool, but my team was full at the end of RBY, no space for it.
Ho-oh is..urg...I just don´t like its design ^^; Lugia is better, but in the end, nothing special and couldn´t gain a place in my heart.
Groudon works as a godzilla-like pokemon but I don´t want something that big on my team..I can´t imagine having a pokemon like that. Kyogre is a whale-like pokemon..I´d rather use wailord ( which is too big as well ^^ ), rayquaza isn´t my cup of tea either, and I don´t understand the whole "dragons are so cool"-thing...
Latias and Latios are both pretty cool though..I never trained one, but I must admit, I like them ^^
never had a chance to get an event pokemon, but I´d want them for pokedex purpose only.

I wanted Lukario on my DP team as my very first proberly trained legendairy..and than...he isn´t one ^^;

You see,not all people dislike legendairies because they think they are "too powerful", I just happen to dislike most of them as there are many other pokemon who appeal to me

also, keep in mind that the starters are pretty rare as well, at least ingame as you can only get one of the three starters each game without trading.


Salingerian Phony
Is the Wi-Fi situation really like that? Because if that's the case, then I'm going to abandon my vow to not use Legendaries...so here's another reason if you're taking notes:

- As a safeguard against people who DO use Legendaries

I'll probably keep one (maybe Deoxys) in the back of the team...the moment my opponent pulls a Legendary on me, the next Pokémon I bring out will be my Legendary. If I find they don't have any Legendaries and I'm down to only my Legendary, I'll bring it out and forfeit the match. I have a similar principle with Mario Kart DS: I can snake, but I don't like to. I'll only snake if I find my opponent snaking. I did this with Mewtwo during the early days of my VS. battling.


Gust of Wind
errrr i use the side-legendaries like latias and for D/P ill use diagura and thatll be my only legendary ill use


Slow and steady baby
Psssh Legendaries...

I kill them with my baby Shuckle.