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I use legendaries but only 1 on each team. For example, my Emerald team has Mightyena, Sceptile, Blaziken, Metagross, Tyranitar and Rayquaza.
To show off and say "I have rare Pokemon!!" Duh.
Read every post in this thread, and you will find yourself corrected.
The only legends I have on my team are Mew, Celebi and Jirachi because they are my favorite pokemon. I also use my umbreon, too.
ONLY thats half the team, i only get legendaries to complete the pokedex, there are better pokes out there other than legendaries
I can use whatever damm Pokemon I want. I disagree with the n00bs who use LEGENDARIES(NOT ubers) only and claim you cheated if you win, however I hate the n00bs who hate the Legendaries themselves because of it. Blocks of data can't help who uses them, give our powerful Friends a break.I catch the legendaries, but don't use them in battle. If you use them in battle...well, don't.
Well, I don't like legendaries but I think that it's up to people to use the Pokémon they like.