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Why does everyone want the rare pokemon on there team???


Main screen turn on!
I use legendaries but only 1 on each team. For example, my Emerald team has Mightyena, Sceptile, Blaziken, Metagross, Tyranitar and Rayquaza.


Well-Known Member
The only legends I have on my team are Mew, Celebi and Jirachi because they are my favorite pokemon. I also use my umbreon, too.


^I pity da
To show off and say "I have rare Pokemon!!" Duh.



Plasmoid Trainer
I don't really know. I only put Pokemon on my team that are Ghost-types Dark-types or Psychic-types usually. I might add a Aruseus to my team just because I'm incredibly interested in its Multi-type ability(I could make it Ghost-type) so meh.


Venusaur The Best
I don't really use legendaries either whats the point of battling when loads of other people will have the same legendary at lvl 100 with the same moves. I prefer to use rarer non legendary but even then there not normally one of a kinds.

the legend master

Well-Known Member
who gives? my names true meaning is "lover of legendary pokemon"


WaterGround Trainer
The only legends I have on my team are Mew, Celebi and Jirachi because they are my favorite pokemon. I also use my umbreon, too.

ONLY thats half the team, i only get legendaries to complete the pokedex, there are better pokes out there other than legendaries


Well-Known Member
I don't go for legendaries on my teams. I sometimes end up with them for various reasons. Mabey I need a bit of extra power for my first fight with the elite 4. I have a Lv 100 Latias because, at the time I caught it, my flyer was a low level Tailow, so Latias acted as a more powerful replacement. (I needed all the help that I could get at that point).


Don't Blink
I catch the legendaries, but don't use them in battle. If you use them in battle...well, don't.
I can use whatever damm Pokemon I want. I disagree with the n00bs who use LEGENDARIES(NOT ubers) only and claim you cheated if you win, however I hate the n00bs who hate the Legendaries themselves because of it. Blocks of data can't help who uses them, People...so give our powerful Friends a break.


~*Opal Totodile*~

generally, i don't use legends. Sometimes i do, but only the weaker ones like suicune(and that's only because it's one of my fav pokemon).

i think it's cheap to use mewtwo, lugia, rayquaza and the sort, but with weaker ones like moltres, entei etc, it still doesn't take the fun out


The King of Karp
I'm not a big fan of legendaries, I only really like Kyogre, and hence, I use him. They aren't that cool looking either, IMO. The new smallish psychic guys are pretty cool too, along with Mew. I try to use my favorites, and since getting the National Dex, I'm getting closer to accomplishing that. I'm hoping I'll eventually have strong, high-level versions of Tangela, Sneasel, Murkrow, Shuckle, and Mr. Mime, or in my case, Mrs. Mime, since I have one that's a female through breeding.


I love garlic. :P
I(Read my sig) use odd ones... Like a Sandslash(Tradede it for a Charizard), and Sunflora...(I have many others, that were just a few of them)


The Mudkip from Chat
Well, I don't like legendaries but I think that it's up to people to use the Pokémon they like.

Agreed, people should use who they want.