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Why does Giovanni wear two rings on his left hand in this game?


Beautifly of the Sea
I played through the whole game and never noticed it, and only realised he had two rings on his fingers after seeing a picture on Twitter showing his rings (sorry, this site doesn’t let me post pictures or a link to the pic for some reason).

What do you think those are? Is the emerald one a Mega Ring, and is the other one a wedding ring?


Staff member
Mobsters wearing jewelry is common in media. Nothing odd or noteworthy about that. What IS is that one appears to be a wedding band, which implies he's been married at some point. If so, I think this is the first time they've suggested a thing?


Beautifly of the Sea
Mobsters wearing jewelry is common in media. Nothing odd or noteworthy about that. What IS is that one appears to be a wedding band, which implies he's been married at some point. If so, I think this is the first time they've suggested a thing?
Makes sense too, since he has a son.