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why is gamefreak so unfair please read


Crimson trainer
well, i have been analysing this for sometime...and well i think gamfreak is completly unfair to poison types..in my opinino they are amazng....but they only hurt one type of poke..GRASS type and those arent to widely used...

they should make more pokes weak to the...

so far

steel is immune to poison

poison is weak to
psychic ground


the it takes nothing from

whats wrong with that picture?? in my opinion
poison should be supereffective against like fighting since fighters ae weak to poisons in their body, poison COULD have hurt dark in my opinion instead of bug or something...

i think poison should only be weak to something like water which would dissolve it and steel since u cant hurt steel
in my riends opinion poison should be super effective against steel since acid MELTS STEEL
and water should also be wak against water since toxins contaminate water supplies..as u see me and my friend have very diferent opinions but all revolve around the opinion that gamefreak is unfair to poisons types they hurt nothing and being hrt by everything.

PLEASE PLEASe tell me what u think


The new tuxedo look!
I think this is SPAM.

You asked my opinion and I gave it.

Actually, I like poison types and wouldn't change anything of pokemon.


Crimson trainer
haha thanx for the post...look i love them too i just think they are unfair to them

and why is this spam?


Well-Known Member
I think this is SPAM.

You asked my opinion and I gave it.

Actually, I like poison types and wouldn't change anything of pokemon.

This is not spam. You should at least know what spam means since you have that sig of yours.lol the person is asking opinions with regards to how he feels about poison types and is valid for discussion.

i agree that poison types should have had more strengths such as against water.


Well-Known Member
Spam is stupid pointless annoying messagbe. Also, Poison types are cool, I don't use them, but they are pretty good.


Well-Known Member
Poison is shafted just like alot of other types. Fire,Bug,Ice,Grass. Poison isnt the only one ok


Powerplay Champion
although poison gets it mixed up... i mean, they just made a dark/poison pokemon, which gets rid of the annoying psychic weakness...
my problem is that it's a pysical move... yet it's more strategic then anything else...
i guess all the types have their advantages and disadvantages..huh
It'll get better come D/P, but I know what you mean. It's resistant to fighting types, which doesn't count for much, either.

I find it annoying how steel is protected againt just about everything, and water type is totally brilliant.


I'd just stick with a normal type with thick fat 8)

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
Maybe it should be good against normal & fight.
That would maybe make muk a bit more commonly used.


Stabby McStabface
And Bug....We use poison to eliminate bugs


Leave my posts alone
We can pollute Water with Poison...???

Grass is usually accompanied by Poison, so it does get negated, which is annoying.

MORE POISONS GF! And some that revolve around Poison, and nothing else!


Natsu no Maboroshi
Poison should be good against grass, bug and water too.


POISON TYPES RULE! I think Muk is the best pokemon ever, with swalot in second. i think that it is a little unfair, but i wouldnt change anything really.

Korobooshi Kojiro

We got Greggle, and their are a lot of new and powerful poison attacks, so I think DP was nice to Poison (and most of the other types in terms of attacks).

I still want an Acid Rain attack though.

Deadly Arbok

Darkness Dragon
I think so too, I love poison types and I use nidoking, arbok and seviper alot in the game (because i like their looks) I wish I didn't have to delete their poison attacks because they are not effective against many, i like poison tail and such. But the one poison attack i think is really good and can be used against nearly all pokemon, toxic. Good stuff


Solar Powered
Poison attack super effective against: Grass
Not very effective against: Poison, Ground, Rock, Ghost Steel (no effect)
Attack types super effective against Poison: Ground, Psychic
Not very effective: Grass, Fighting, Poison, Bug

Well, it's not one of the best types, but it is not useless at all. Weezing, anyone? Levitate is no Ground weak, and Fighting resistance does help. Sludge Bomb is a useful attack, and you know that you don't use it agains Metagross or something like that...


Well-Known Member
i think they made poison as a side type that is supposed to go with other types thatz why its weak


Crimson trainer
thanx for your opinion guys..see poison is hurt....

i think poison should hurt water(if not steel cause it corrodes it) bug and grass....


dorapion may just yet be the best poison when DP come sout