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why is there a "?" in my rank? O.o

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
well look at my rank, why is there a "?" ?


Well-Known Member
Either something is wrong which i highly doubt, or you edited your rank, which i highly believe...

Sapphire Skitty

+ Always There
It is most likely that your computer is older (like mine, because I can see it too) and it dosen't understand the symbol over the 'E'.
Or it doesn't understand `< That on an e. Not 'E'

Jinchuuriki Hunter

Johto Champion Ninja
Apparently your computer is unable to compute the letter é. Thus, it is replaced with a ? to show confusion. To fix this, just customize your user rank and change the é to e.


Matt the Drat
It's actually the forums fault on this one. Apparently there's a glitch in the sytem that doesn't allow the use of the special "e" in things.

I've seen this happen in thread titles before, so I'm just assuming that it happens in User Titles as well, so someone correct me if I'm wrong. :p
It's actually the forums fault on this one. Apparently there's a glitch in the sytem that doesn't allow the use of the special "e" in things.

I've seen this happen in thread titles before, so I'm just assuming that it happens in User Titles as well, so someone correct me if I'm wrong. :p

Hmm. I didn't know this. I must admit that this is quite weird. This means that the people who were talking about a older computer were wrong.
VB has stopped recognising special symbols, I beileve.


The same thing's happening to the Japanese kana letters when used in posts that are made at and after the time of the forum upgrade, btw.

Any "?"s you see are special characters that can't be recognised because of the forum upgrade.
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