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Why is there still an Invisible Mode in Options?


In the User CP, under Edit Options, there's the "Use Invisible Mode" option which makes your name not come up in the "Currently Active Users" list. Why is this still here? There isn't even a Currently Active Users list anymore!


Um...This is a list. It's under "Quick Links". Also, people still don't appear online even if you view their profile, if they are under Invisible Mode.

-Penis Sucker-

Neko Godot

Hey! Listen!
You won't show up on the active users list that is under quick links, and your Celebi next to your name will always be red to other people, though when you look at it it's a lovely white color.


I have used invisible mode once but i don't like it. Your celebi icon looks brighted if you use invisible mode. and the others see that is it red. But the last time i have little problems with that option because i cannot turned it off. Now it's back fine. I don't touch that option anymore.