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Why no more pitfall's???

rescue team powerpokes

D/P is finally here!
Why isn't team rocket diging any pitfall's anymore??? it got old after awhile but it would be nice for a change instead of them in the meowth balloon all the time >.<
Hm? I never noticed they stopped ^^o maybe the creators did get sick of it. As mentioned though, it would be a nice change of pace to revisit this, than say another balloon attempt. Though the chances of that happening are very slim :/
The grabbing and then running off is getting kind of.............,I wish TR would go back to doing schemes that were actually funny


Well-Known Member
Why isn't team rocket diging any pitfall's anymore??? it got old after awhile but it would be nice for a change instead of them in the meowth balloon all the time >.<
Team Rocket finally realized that the Meowth balloon is indestructable. Sure, it'll get blown up and torn every once in a while, but Team Rocket spared no expense: the balloon is self-healing. All the Team Rocket members want one, but very few have them, aside from Jessie and James and Meowth. That's why they were pestered by Cassidy and Butch.

But seriously. Maybe they just forgot the shovels, or the screenwriter people forgot that they've made TR dig holes before so they're waiting for the opportune moment to 'surprise' everyone, or maybe the ground is as tough as diamonds...or maybe the screenwriters are just lazy and want the traditional boring Thunderbolting balloon extravaganza. I actually agree with you, powerpokes. Then again I'd like Team Rocket to do something different altogether. The pitfalls, disguises, robots, and balloon uses are fun to watch the first...five times or less.
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de cold & de sorrow
i want some more disguises and pitfalls. i hadn't noticed tht theyd stopped doing pitfalls but now u mention it

Poke Master 7

Boulder Trainer
The pitfall followed this patter; first it was a bit interesting, then it started to get old, then it got old, then they just killed it, then they overkilled it, and then they just stopped. The writers seem to enjoy beating the dead horse that is the Meowth Balloon so thats just gonna stay in the plot and besides its TR's main form of transportation. Better questions would be how do three crooks who are by now millions of dollors in debt get the cash to buy all these mechs? and Why Ash never seems to learn that TR just electricproofs everything they put Pikachu in?


Well-Known Member
Yea they've used it so many times its gotten very stale

Seijiro Mafuné

Better questions would be how do three crooks who are by now millions of dollors in debt get the cash to buy all these mechs? and Why Ash never seems to learn that TR just electricproofs everything they put Pikachu in?
ACME. And you forget Ash has the learning capacity of a boulder downhill.


Scuffle of Legends
yeah haha i liked thoes, but after a vine whip and/or a flying pokemon, they got out. but team rocket could upgrade their pitfalls, which acid...haha im kidding. maybe a steel net or sheet over top after words.