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Why'd they remove day/night in the 3rd gen?

This has bugged me for a bit cos it was such a great addition, why'd they remove it?
Maybe it's because supposedly the events of RBY and RSE happened at the same time and so it wouldn't make sense if RSE had day/night.
Still, they shoulda kept it.


Natsu no Maboroshi
I missed that feature too. Maybe they didn't put it due to lack of memory, or else....


Well-Known Member
I too enjoyed that, pokemon appearing at certain times of day or even days of the week. I'm sorry, but I can't come up with an answer.
Maybe it was part of a plan to make D/P seem even better. People have missed day/night and now that it's back in D/P it's only increased everyones anticipation.

kill and run

ShinyHunting Veteran
i think they shouldve made a third generation g/s/c remake so people can get lugia and ho ho and so we can have the day/night feture that was the coolest part


Shadow Amongst Light
Ummm day and night are in ruby/saphire... there just isn't any graphics difference. As it is i think they were tryin to focus on other stuff and rushed a bit too much to get what they had done. They were gonna have snow it seems in the game but didn't... people extracted stuff like that from the Beta data in the game. Abilities was the main theme for ruby/saphire anyways.... that i think was the focus of the 3rd gen since it was not in the 2nd.


Well-Known Member
They didn't put it in because:

- Not enough memory
- Focused on something else
- Can't be bothered
- Kept it out for D/P to increase everyone's anticipation
They didn't put it in because:

- Not enough memory
- Focused on something else
- Can't be bothered
- Kept it out for D/P to increase everyone's anticipation

Couldnt have put it better myself
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^so the game creators know the glitches? i dont think so.. they probably were focused on something else at the time, like dive and they were probably making the shinys and stuff.. idk. lol


Toon link
they didnt put it in because if they did they had to remove somthing and they added new features and took that one out and i rekon they should make a gold silver and crystal remake


The reason for not including day and night was most likely because of a lack of time. It had been two years since Crystal had been released, and Game Freak was probably feeling the pressure from Nintendo to come out with the newest Pokemon game.


I said, Bring It ON!
i think they shouldve made a third generation g/s/c remake so people can get lugia and ho ho and so we can have the day/night feture that was the coolest part

Umm, Im guessing you dont have a game cube, because i got my ho-oh and lugia from colleseum and xd. they took out day and night so they would have enough memory to put in the spinda clause


Well-Known Member
Yeah. They didn't have the time to add in day/night in the games. Maybe they had a deadline or something, and Nintendo wanted to releses the games, so they didn't add. Who knows.


I am the game
Day/Night is in you just dont see the night but always the say.


Gust of Wind
I liked it, but in silver my clock went weird and forever in day it was night vice versa, and i didnt like it how everytime i played, IT WAS F$%^$%^#^%#^$& NIGHT TIME