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Wi-Fi events

;149;when are the nintendo events i need help cause i realy want a darkrai;149;
I wouldn't expect the Darkrai event until late this year or early next year. Sheimi and Arseus are a long time away.

Shiny Dialga

G/S Remake! :) :)
I wouldn't expect the Darkrai event until late this year or early next year.

But couldn't you set-up a trade with someone from Japan and get a legit Darkrai from the Japanese movie event?!


Well-Known Member
For these events, will they be doing it over Wi-Fi for everyone to participate?


Well-Known Member
For these events, will they be doing it over Wi-Fi for everyone to participate?

Before you continue to expect an answer, ask yourself how anyone really knows yet with the game only out in America for about 6 weeks.


Up all night
Yea, I agree, Dakari, will be in December, Shaymin and Arceus will be late next year, they haven't even been annouced to actually exist yet anyway.
well, i guess u could try focusing on a different gen pokemon. i got a celebi off wi-fi. its really easy to get a legend on wi-fi from past gens. some guys were willing to give away a mewtwo for a garchomp
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