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WIFI Shiny Trading thread

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Well-Known Member
Offer your shiny pokes for trade for when D/P comes out. post what shinys your looking for, what your offering and anybody who wants to trade just PM the person the trade you wish to do. If you do make any trade agreements, i suggest you save them on a word doc or somthing until you get your D/P. Once you get your copy of D/P, find the people you made orders with and get their Wifi code and trade using wifi.
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Well-Known Member
Well ive tried,but they didnt put it up. and this is about trading shinys you already have from s/r/e


Well-Known Member
Well ive tried,but they didnt put it up. and this is about trading shinys you already have from s/r/e


Well-Known Member
Well, this is for trading R/S/E shinies. The only way to trade is by meeting the person somewhere or WIFI in D/P, which is problably easier.


Well-Known Member
My friend, there is something called the edit button k.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
This kind of thread has come up a few times, and I think it's best just to wait until D/P comes out in English before having a whole thread for planning out Wi-Fi trading. The games will come out some time next year here, so there's plenty of time before we have to start planning.

There IS an official D/P trading thread here:


But it's only for people that HAVE the Japanese versions of D/P.

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