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Wii Commercial Thread

"You suck!"

The master tells it like it is.


Twilight of Aquarius
"Your ancestors are weeping"
"Ah forget it, get the gun."

Best videogame commercial ever.


Old Coot
Let's keep this civil and stay focused on the commercials. No comparisons between the PS3 and Wii, please.

On topic, I hope Red Steel is that responsive. I'm looking forward to it more now. Also, that "master" reminds me of Pai Mei from Kill Bill. :(

Flame Haze SnS

From watching this commercial, I'm starting to like this game. Looks like I may get this game, that is if there are any left at GS.

Cless Aileron

Tales Fanatic
I'm loving these Red Steel advertisements. They pretty much tell the "You suck" message to you in a humorous way.

"Are you trying to tickle him?"
"Enough! Get the gun!"

Great stuff!

Kazuki Mirai

Well-Known Member
That was so hilarious. XDDDDD That's Nintendo advertising for you. Whoo. The whole gameplay is very interesting, now it makes me wonder if I can actually get through the game without going crazy.


Hoenn Champion
That advertisement is great. It makes me wonder what playing the game will actually be like. I wonder how well it will respond to your movements. I am also interested in how using the sword will work.

I think that is a great advertisement, and it makes the game look fun.


Know it,Respect it..
I've seen the video its great though I don't think my parents will get it for me.