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Wii or 360?

Which Should I Get: The Wii or the 360?

  • Wii

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • X-Box 360

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
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I'm a bit of a mixed bag right now... I'm stuck in deciding if I should get a Wii or X-Box 360 this Christmas. Here's what I'll get for each:


1.The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
2. Call of Duty 3 OR Excite Truck


1. Sonic the Hedgehog (Released this week on the 360 & PS3)
2. Call of Duty 3, Viva Pinata, OR Call of Duty 2 GotY Edition

PLEASE help me. T_T
Ok let's start with this how interested are you in the Wii's launch line up? If nothing I'd say go with the 360 (I'm a sonic nut I LOVE SONIC 360), and get Twilight Princess for Gamecube :)

Oh Excite Truck blows, trust me.

For Xbox get: Viva Pinata AWESMOE game, and Gears of Wars.


Well-Known Member
I'm a bit of a mixed bag right now... I'm stuck in deciding if I should get a Wii or X-Box 360 this Christmas. Here's what I'll get for each:


1.The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
2. Call of Duty 3 OR Excite Truck


1. Sonic the Hedgehog (Released this week on the 360 & PS3)
2. Call of Duty 3, Viva Pinata, OR Call of Duty 2 GotY Edition

PLEASE help me. T_T

wii imo via pinata looks retarded and stupid ,and well i don't really like any of thse war shooter games.
Um... I'd rather not attempt to buy GoW... It's Rated M, and I'm not even 15 yet. O_O And anyways, they'd just tell me what's in it, just like they did with the Halo Graphic Novel (Which I couldn't buy cuz of that stupid GameStop lady...)
wii imo via pinata looks retarded and stupid ,and well i don't really like any of thse war shooter games.

erm Viva Pinata is like an advance and *good* Animal Crossing. Know what you're talkinga bout before you do.

Um... I'd rather not attempt to buy GoW... It's Rated M, and I'm not even 15 yet. O_O And anyways, they'd just tell me what's in it, just like they did with the Halo Graphic Novel (Which I couldn't buy cuz of that stupid GameStop lady...)

You can't buy Gears of Wars but can Call of Duty 3? *scratches head.
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Well-Known Member
I'm a bit of a mixed bag right now... I'm stuck in deciding if I should get a Wii or X-Box 360 this Christmas. Here's what I'll get for each:


1.The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
2. Call of Duty 3 OR Excite Truck


1. Sonic the Hedgehog (Released this week on the 360 & PS3)
2. Call of Duty 3, Viva Pinata, OR Call of Duty 2 GotY Edition

PLEASE help me. T_T
Trust me get wii.You can, go on the interet(whith a fee),check the weather,play gamecube, and more.
Trust me get wii.You can, go on the interet(whith a fee),check the weather,play gamecube, and more.

He has the computer for the internet (which he can also do on 360), he can look outside the window, and he already has a gamecube.

Have any of you read his dilema, he wants to play Zelda and the new Sonic at the same time. I offered the 360 solution because that is an effecitve means to end his solution. Get the 360, and play TP on the cube.
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Well-Known Member
wii owns!!
^^ stereotypical Nintendo fanboy
Xbox 360 anyway. Xbox 360 is safe, with a Wii you're probably not going to be satisfied swinging your arms in the air like an idiot (OK, dance dance revolution, but thats not most every game on the system is it?). And this is probably not the place to get an opinion.

You're in Nintendo fanboy heaven.. The standard answer if this becomes a multi-page thread and our good friend Latios doesn't delete it: "Wii. PS3 is way too expensive and is offering nothing new, even if Nintendo released a console like the 360 and PS3 we'd get it anyway. 360 is just about shooters, even though most of the games are diversifying. Wii>all!"
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