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Wii or Why

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What is great about the Wii compared to the PS3?


Beginning Trainer
Well lets see.
1) Motion sensitive controller
2) The PS3 don't have any pokemon games.
3) Games are cheeper.
Well thats all I can think of.


Well lets see.
1) Motion sensitive controller
Well thats all I can think of.

the sixaxis has that

i have a little to tell you all

the will comes up to PS3 and Xbox 360 this seventh Generation Video game systems friends and starts singing with are family even though i'm not HD.

the PS3 and 360 reply by saying "don;t bother us, go talk to PS2 and Xbox there your kind."


Well-Known Member
(I don't think this thread has anything to do with Pokemon Battle Revolution so it shouldn't be here)

Wii is better than PS3 for many reasons


(I don't think this thread has anything to do with Pokemon Battle Revolution so it shouldn't be here)

Wii is better than PS3 for many reasons

the reason this is here is because the PBR is for Wii

and name them


the mystic
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

Need I say more?


I challenge any one to a debate Wii/PS3.

Bring it!
ummmm PS3, controller suks IMO
1. no pokemon games
2.PS3 costs WAY WAY too much money
3.Wii games=cheaper
4.they dont relly hav popular games besides the Ratchet and Clank and the Jak ones those wer my faves on PS2 ;)
5.games are more Colourful on the Wii
want me to name more?


graphic is the major thing here, the wii's graphic are a step up from the gamecube in a big way but not a big step up from PS2 or Xbox

Yes the PS3 is a bit pricey. And the Controller is for the most part the same as the PS2's controller and where do you see brighter colors.

I don't talk games because that is in the eye of the behold not facts.

Just to put this out there i'm not against Nintendo, i'm against their consoles, i love their Handheld, i feel that Nintendo should stop the madness with consoles and stick with handhelds.

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
i'm talking more graphics
Oh, you're one of those graphics lovers...

Graphics do not make a game good. Gameplay makes a game good.

And why should Nintendo end the consoles? Wii is one of the greatest gaming achievements in history, because of everything it can do.

You wanna buy a PS3, fine, go waste hundreds of pounds on a plastic brick. Wii is cheap and easy to use, and its target market is by far the largest of the three companies' target markets.
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exactly u should relax DSDark Nintendo made awesome Mario Sonic and Pokemon games which wer all soo fun so relax


Since you're one of those people who believe that games should be judged solely on graphics, why do you play Pokemon?

-Penis Sucker-


Alrighty then.

I don't just play games for graphics, but what i'm doing here is comparing the graphic of the two systems its as simple has that.

Someone named sonic games now, if you compare the screen shots the Sonic the Hedgehog vs that of Sonic and the Secret Rings, i would have to say that the PS3/360 game is looking better.

and of course i play pokemon game, just not outside the handheld universe.

(please someone bring up E3, because i will rip you apart)
u dont know wut ur saying wait till u play the games the Graphics matter but the gameplay matters more so u think graphics makes a system better? cause thats wut ur tryin to say ;)


u dont know wut ur saying wait till u play the games the Graphics matter but the gameplay matters more so u think graphics makes a system better? cause thats wut ur tryin to say ;)

grammar prob, so i can't read it, but i feel that graphic help with the gameplay.
the more the real the graphics are the more you feel like your in the game and the more you want to play.

Graphics help!
well alot of people can read my typing >.> and yes it does but the graphics arent that different to help the gameplay so chillax
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