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Wii or Why

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Rising Trainer
Because graphics obviously make the system SO MUCH BETTER.
THER NOT MUCH OF A DIFFERENCE TO MAKE IT BETTER ok im chillaxed at the moment but they shouldnt stoop to not makin consoles anymore


Now one question what is the big deal with the Wii?

(I'm not all about graphics)


I personal feel that the nintendo's systems have gone hill since the days of N64, and sony's systems have only gotten better.
well thers alot of games and heroes i like and also i beat all of sonics games so i wanna continue on with the story and stuff just like the hard work i did in Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door...so i like it for these games so far....
Sonic and the Secret rings
Mario Party 8
the new Paper Mario
Pokemon Battle Revolution
Super Smash Bros Brawl
if the PS3 had those games then it would pwn :D so im tryin so say...i like nintendos consoles and the Wii cause of the Platformer games :)


Rising Trainer
The PS2 is an awesome system, but the PS1 wasn't anything special. Gamecube had a lot of good games up through 2004, but it turned to crap after Resident Evil 4 came out.

The PS3 is completely ripping off every single thing to come across it. The PSP menu system looks horrible on a TV, and it's not going to be popular. It just keeps going downhill. Also, people who love to buy used games, can't do that now. Buying new games is a huge turnoff to a lot of people, and Sony bombed there.


well thers alot of games and heroes i like and also i beat all of sonics games so i wanna continue on with the story and stuff just like the hard work i did in Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door...so i like it for these games so far....
Sonic and the Secret rings
Mario Party 8
the new Paper Mario
Pokemon Battle Revolution
Super Smash Bros Brawl
if the PS3 had those games then it would pwn :D so im tryin so say...i like nintendos consoles and the Wii cause of the Platformer games :)

the problem here for the most part is two different companies.

Sonic and the Secret Rings is not going to be as go has Sonic the Hedgehog. Graphics and Gameplay wise.
Wii or why? What kind of joke is that? What are you, 8? Let's see, it's cheaper and it has better games. All of you pre-teens make me sick. Go and make some love to your baseball cards at home. It's better than wasting your time posting about **** that no one cares about.


The PS2 is an awesome system, but the PS1 wasn't anything special. Gamecube had a lot of good games up through 2004, but it turned to crap after Resident Evil 4 came out.

The PS3 is completely ripping off every single thing to come across it. The PSP menu system looks horrible on a TV, and it's not going to be popular. It just keeps going downhill. Also, people who love to buy used games, can't do that now. Buying new games is a huge turnoff to a lot of people, and Sony bombed there.

the gamecube was not a very good idea for Nintendo, the graphic were on par with PS2 or Xbox and the game weren't exactly the great either.

The PS3 has not ripped off every single thing that came across.


Rising Trainer
Because you obviously can't get Sonic the Hedgehog on the 360 for $200 cheaper.

The game is going to suck anyways, it's just Shadow the Hedgehog 2 with graphics.

And I also read this on a previous post of yours

graphic is the major thing here, the wii's graphic are a step up from the gamecube in a big way but not a big step up from PS2 or Xbox

Ok, the PS2 had the worst graphics on the current generation consoles, yet you claim the Gamecube had the worst. This is either a joke topic or you are the biggest fanboy who knows nothing of the real world at all, and are using one extremely lame arguement to fight with a bunch of 12 year olds.


Because you obviously can't get Sonic the Hedgehog on the 360 for $200 cheaper.

The game is going to suck anyways, it's just Shadow the Hedgehog 2 with graphics.

And I also read this on a previous post of yours

graphic is the major thing here, the wii's graphic are a step up from the gamecube in a big way but not a big step up from PS2 or Xbox

Ok, the PS2 had the worst graphics on the current generation consoles, yet you claim the Gamecube had the worst. This is either a joke topic or you are the biggest fanboy who knows nothing of the real world at all, and are using one extremely lame arguement to fight with a bunch of 12 year olds.

What is wrong with it is not Shadow the Hedgehog 2, its a completely refined 15th anniversary Sonic game for the Next-Gen, with Sonic has the main character and shadow on the side.
On Topic: yes i do know not like u know any better ill stay here if i wanna so to bad for u n00b


No one has answer my question what is great about the Wii?


Active Member
As far as graphics go, really it also depends on the makers of the games. I've seen Gamecube games that are vastly superior in graphics to PS2 games, so I suppose the maker of the PS2 game didn't want to put as much effort into special effects.

Another point is, that the games are what the people buy the system for as some others have said. This is a Pokemon Board, so of course we'd want to have the Wii. Also, the Wii is much cheaper, and it also has that intriguing new controller. Not only that, but on the Wii, you can get games from Nintendo's past. I myself like this idea because I've been wanting to play Super Metroid for some time, but did not want to hunt down a SNES for just one game. (not to mention it would be something else taking up space in my TINY room).
Wow this has been a horrible "debate" so far. Apart form the post above?

You can't say the Wii is "Best" or the PS3 is "Best" or anything, because it's all down to opinion. If someone doesn't like it, then fine.

No one has answer my question what is great about the Wii?

Dumb question. It's a totally new gaming experience. Virtual console, unique control mechanics, etc...You could look that up anywhere and get the answer.

On Topic: yes i do know not like u know any better ill stay here if i wanna so to bad for u n00b

The fact that your flaming him and your grammar is appaulling kinda' says otherwise about who's a "n00b" and who's not. Just calm down, all of you.
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