I'm just going to point out two things first.
1) Wrong forum. This should be in Nintendo Discussion.
2) DSDark, please stop double, triple posting. It's getting annoying. Just edit your last post.
Now, reasons why one might want a Wii.
1) Unique control which can be swung, wielded, spun, thrown, used like a gun (with pin-point accuracy), an inbuilt speaker and a port for variouse other attachments.
2) Virtual Console allows playback of hundreds of games for NES, SNES, N64, SEGA MegaDrive and something else. Plus the Wii can play GC games.
3) Free online gaming
4) Updated Weather Reports (YAY!) and the latest news.
5) Ability to surf the internet.
5) Customisation of Miis, small characters that can be used in soem games and can be carried with you inside you Wiimote.
6) Continuations of classic franchises like Mario, Metroid, Pokemon, Donkey Kong, Animal Crossing, Mario Party, Excite Racing, Wario Ware, Super Smash Bros. (cheers from the crowds), Mario Kart etc.
7) The greatest launch title in the history of gaming, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
8) Comes with a 5 in 1 free game.
9) Graphics that can be compared to the Xbox 360 on a standard TV set (not HD), which also succeed the GC (Resident Evil 4) and the Xbox.
I think that's more than enough reasons to buy a Wii.