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Wii or Why

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no i just dont like his reply it had nothin to do with this thread and i will only be sorry if he is lol but ya JET ALONE made the most sense so far we've all been idiots snapping at each other, its all about our own opinions and thoughts about it so ther is no better system like he explained above :)


so you guys only defense is the Wiimote? which i'm not sure if everyone know but the Sixaxis (the PS3 controller) has motion sensation.


And yes my defense is graphics, which help make a game great.


Yes, but it probably won't be handled as well, and it isn't a integreted(or so I've heard).

Plus, Sony copied the idea.

for the must part yes your right they did copy.

and i have one other defenseish and that is HD, which Wii is not.


Giant Enemy Crabs, Lolz.


599 USD!

599 USD!

Graphics my arse. Pong was popular, and it had the worst graphics compared to FFXIII or something.

I would've gotten the PS3 for Naughty Dog's new project, or maybe Gran Turismo 5, but it's just too expensive.

EDIT: If you show too much fanboyism here, Latios and Chris (the mods) are gonna go apeshit on you.
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Pokémon Observer
Right, in terms of graphics - the PS3 wins hands down... obviously. But Nintendo weren't focusing on graphics when they developed the Wii. (by the way, the Wii is 2x more powerful than the Gamecube which, in turn, was more powerful than the PS2, but less powerful than the X-Box)
The Wiimote was Nintendo's main focus... they intended to change the way people play games rather than how people look at games as presented by the 360 and PS3. Yes, the PS3 has the six-axis, but it doesn't function in quite the same way, and has no where near the capabilities of the Wii-mote. I can only see the Six-axis being applied to plane simulation games and the like. The Wii-mote will apply to everything.


Queen of Charizards!
WAY EXPENSIVE 600 dollars for a system, Thast just wrong. Thats why the wii is better


Right, in terms of graphics - the PS3 wins hands down... obviously. But Nintendo weren't focusing on graphics when they developed the Wii. (by the way, the Wii is 2x more powerful than the Gamecube which, in turn, was more powerful than the PS2, but less powerful than the X-Box)
The Wiimote was Nintendo's main focus... they intended to change the way people play games rather than how people look at games as presented by the 360 and PS3. Yes, the PS3 has the six-axis, but it doesn't function in quite the same way, and has no where near the capabilities of the Wii-mote. I can only see the Six-axis being applied to plane simulation games and the like. The Wii-mote will apply to everything.

are you saying that the gamecube is more powerful then the ps2?


WAY EXPENSIVE 600 dollars for a system, Thast just wrong. Thats why the wii is better

wow is a few hundred more dollars, and when you think about how much better is the PS3 is it doesn't really matter.


Giant Enemy Crabs, Lolz.


599 USD!

599 USD!

Graphics my arse. Pong was popular, and it had the worst graphics compared to FFXIII or something.

I would've gotten the PS3 for Naughty Dog's new project, or maybe Gran Turismo 5, but it's just too expensive.

EDIT: If you show too much fanboyism here, Latios and Chris (the mods) are gonna go apeshit on you.

Pong was not at the same time as FFXIII so you can't compare.


Pokémon Observer
are you saying that the gamecube is more powerful then the ps2?

Yep. It's a fact. Although the Gamecube didn't have many games which showcased its full graphical ability. But if you compare Resident Evil on GC to Resident Evil 4 on the PS2, you can see the difference.


Well-Known Member
I'm just going to point out two things first.

1) Wrong forum. This should be in Nintendo Discussion.
2) DSDark, please stop double, triple posting. It's getting annoying. Just edit your last post.

Now, reasons why one might want a Wii.

1) Unique control which can be swung, wielded, spun, thrown, used like a gun (with pin-point accuracy), an inbuilt speaker and a port for variouse other attachments.
2) Virtual Console allows playback of hundreds of games for NES, SNES, N64, SEGA MegaDrive and something else. Plus the Wii can play GC games.
3) Free online gaming
4) Updated Weather Reports (YAY!) and the latest news.
5) Ability to surf the internet.
5) Customisation of Miis, small characters that can be used in soem games and can be carried with you inside you Wiimote.
6) Continuations of classic franchises like Mario, Metroid, Pokemon, Donkey Kong, Animal Crossing, Mario Party, Excite Racing, Wario Ware, Super Smash Bros. (cheers from the crowds), Mario Kart etc.
7) The greatest launch title in the history of gaming, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
8) Comes with a 5 in 1 free game.
9) Graphics that can be compared to the Xbox 360 on a standard TV set (not HD), which also succeed the GC (Resident Evil 4) and the Xbox.

I think that's more than enough reasons to buy a Wii.


Well-Known Member
I'm just going to point out two things first.

1) Wrong forum. This should be in Nintendo Discussion.
2) DSDark, please stop double, triple posting. It's getting annoying. Just edit your last post.

Now, reasons why one might want a Wii.

1) Unique control which can be swung, wielded, spun, thrown, used like a gun (with pin-point accuracy), an inbuilt speaker and a port for variouse other attachments.
2) Virtual Console allows playback of hundreds of games for NES, SNES, N64, SEGA MegaDrive and something else. Plus the Wii can play GC games.
3) Free online gaming
4) Updated Weather Reports (YAY!) and the latest news.
5) Ability to surf the internet.
5) Customisation of Miis, small characters that can be used in soem games and can be carried with you inside you Wiimote.
6) Continuations of classic franchises like Mario, Metroid, Pokemon, Donkey Kong, Animal Crossing, Mario Party, Excite Racing, Wario Ware, Super Smash Bros. (cheers from the crowds), Mario Kart etc.
7) The greatest launch title in the history of gaming, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
8) Comes with a 5 in 1 free game.
9) Graphics that can be compared to the Xbox 360 on a standard TV set (not HD), which also succeed the GC (Resident Evil 4) and the Xbox.

I think that's more than enough reasons to buy a Wii.

Amen to that.

Reason for me to buy a PS3?


Wait!....What's that?.....MGS4 is coming out on the Xbox360 now.

Yeah, i think i'll wait a bit and buy it for the Xbox thank you very much.

Besides, i don't to be forced into buying a console that only only plays games on a format that could end up dying on its feet for all i know.

Yeah, i have to say, my priorities right now in terms of console buying are:

Xbox 360

TBH, i would be VERY surprised if i ever end up owning a PS3.

Only Sony console i own is a PSP. Which i only used to play X-Men Legends 2.

Then the battery ran out and i havn't played it in months.

It's a very disappointing system IMO.

The DS is keeping me going and has much more enjoyable games in my opinion.

Oh, and to answer your question 'Why is the Wii the best?':

Because it has my 40+ year old parents, my little sister and my granddad wanting to play it.

That says a lot when i only know 2 people even considering buying a PS3 atm.


Gen 6 = <3
Oh, you're one of those graphics lovers...

Graphics do not make a game good. Gameplay makes a game good.

And why should Nintendo end the consoles? Wii is one of the greatest gaming achievements in history, because of everything it can do.

You wanna buy a PS3, fine, go waste hundreds of pounds on a plastic brick. Wii is cheap and easy to use, and its target market is by far the largest of the three companies' target markets.

I agree with you. Though I haven't played any of the newer Spyro the Dragon games I think its the perfect example of this. the Spyro The dragon line is a very good example, just look at Spyro the dragon: Year of the Dragon compared to Spyro the dragon: Enter the Dragonfly. Year of the Dragon was MUCH better compared to Enter The Dragonfly even though the graphics were bad. I like PS2/PS3 mostly for Xenosaga and Kingdom Hearts but I would rather get a Wii and PBR. for some odd reason I have a feeling that the PS3 will suffer the same fate as the NeoGeo.
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I think the question here shouldn't be "What is great about the Wii compared to the PS3?", but "What is great about the PS3 compared to the Wii?" Because really, the PS3 is really nothing more then a fancier version of the PS2. Sure, the graphics are a bit better, but when it comes down to reality, graphics do not make a good game. Sony needs to realize that.

And for real reasons the Wii is better:

  • Better gameplay. (Meaning the Wiimote. It's just so inovative, and it'll garuntee new gamers, as Garbs said.
  • Games. (The Wii will offer dozens of sequels to some of the best games ever, while the PS3 really doesn't have anyhting good to its name.)
  • The price. (The Wii will cost about less then half of the PS3, which is a big turn-on to just about everybody. And with the Wii's games costing about ten USD less then the PS3's, that'll be another big turn-on.)

Those are the three biggest reasons why the Wii is better. I have more reaons, but I don't feel like posting them. (That, and the fact that they've already been stated.) Now, as I said, the real question is "What's so good about the PS3?" The answer? Nothing.

(Oh, and on another note, you should ask a mod to move this to the "Other Video Game Discussion". And while you're at it, you might want to ask them to change the name of the thread to something better.)


The Renagade.
so you guys only defense is the Wiimote? which i'm not sure if everyone know but the Sixaxis (the PS3 controller) has motion sensation.

^^You can so tell the PS3 is making a motion sensation controller, because they want to be better then the rest. (Not to mention, they are taking Nintendo's idea. >_>)


Well-Known Member
The problem with the Sixaxis controller is that it can't do shooting games, can't be brandished like a sword, racket, club (ect ect) and it doesn't have a rumble feature. Without rumble, I think games feel a bit bland, as there is no feedback. This is what I'm slightly worried about Red Steel's swordplay as there's no feedback. Also, the Sixaxis was included far too late for it to be any use at launch and will take a while to get going. It might even be too late for developers to really care about it.


Oh, and to answer your question 'Why is the Wii the best?':

Because it has my 40+ year old parents, my little sister and my granddad wanting to play it.

there's a reason for that, that what nintendo wants.
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