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Wii to DS




Well-Known Member
awww so that means i cantr transfer my pokemon diamond pokemon into PBR .... i think
Huh? Where you get that from?

All it says is that with this "software" (a game is software) you can use your D/P Pokemon on the Wii. The "Software" is PBR.

It's been confirmed before, sort of makes this old news.
Serebii said that you can trade your diamond and pearl pokemon.but he never said how, so we will figure out soon.


Serebii said that you can trade your diamond and pearl pokemon.but he never said how, so we will figure out soon.

As I said in the other thead...

That's could possible be ture but I think it will be like...You Login, and Press Multiplayer...Then it says Turn the DS on...ON THE DS YOU MUST SAVE IN THE POKEMON CENTER...the Wii says "Locating DS" and the game appears on the DS...A little like the Colo or XD...

It's a little Confusing...get it in your HEAD!!
i think it will be like the past games. having to complete a goal. (selvi islands,national dex.)


Just me
Uh... I don't get what your point is. o_O


Well-Known Member

and yes the DS links up wirelessly with the wii


Haha before I didn't know you NEEDED a Wi-Fi connector to battle and trade World Wide and that it was only for D/P. That sucked when I found out :(. Geez that woulda been cool to just do that wirelessly WITH other Pokemon games too :(

And please nobody Flame me for saying this because I didn't know!


were not open anymor
wont you be able to play gba games on the wii?