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So, a bunch of useless crap that is worthless until next month is on sale at Target?

Junk that's not useful other than to look at until next month at Target? It's only use is that people could get it early. Other then that, all you could do is stare at it.


Old Coot
The only thing that I can say that even looks remotely interesting is that light up gift card designed like a Wii.

Other than that, that "limited edition" section of items appears to really be just items released before the system's even been released.
I agree, I want the Gift Card just cos it looks so cool. I hope Australia will have all this soon when the release of the Wii is closer. (December 7th)
^ To obtain a giftcard, you just take a giftcard to the front register, tell them how much money you want them to put on the card, and then pay them that amount. Simple, really.

But this is kind of old news. My Target had the same things set up a few weeks ago, back when I bought my DS. And it's kind of pointless to buy something when you don't even have the system yet.
my walmart used ti do stuff like this they would put up like all the accesiries player guides etc. before the system came out now they know betteer lol

stil i guesss the only good thing is the gift card


Thank you, SPPf! :)
Oh, so its like saveing your money for later, I see.
No. It's like trading in 20 dollars you can spend anywhere in exchange for 20 dollars you can only spend at one particular place.


The only thing that's remotely interesting for me is the Wiimote Glove. The light up gift cards are just another way of getting people to buy things there.
"Mommy, look! It's a Wii gift card! Can I get it? PLEASE?"
I. Want. That. Gift. Card. o_O


Wtf is target?

Great thing that they are already selling Wii accesories! More money for Nintendo!


Super Gamer
~Water_Lucario~ - Target isn't all over the world. I think it's only in the US and Australia IIRC.

I rarely if ever go to Target anymore. I used to go to it alot when I was younger...
