Here are my awnsers.
1. The R/B/Y and G/S/C was because of hardware problems, most definatly right KATHYxx. The Gameboy system and the Gameboy color system were just not compatibale with the Gameboy Advance system. I personally haven't a clue what the hexadecimal system was, but this is what I know from digital grapics. First, the Gameboy Advance was a major leap in memory space from the Gameboy and Gameboy color games. Second, this amount of memory was contained in a much smaller place. Acordingly, the DS has both of these fetures, but it has been worked around. Third, there was the amount of data each Pokemon took up. In Advanced, it was much more. There was natures and the stats they had for contests, not to mention abilities. This could not be transfered to the old games. Fourth, we have the fact that the Advance Games graphically have more bits to their images. Fifth, if you havn't noticed, they have changed how we trade Pokemon to DP from RSE and FRLG. First, we are not exactly trading, but transfering. Second, it does not seem that the Advance Systems will get Pokemon from the DP games at all. Third, I am not sure about the transfer system, but I don't know if we lose the Pokemon from the ADvance system at all. Instead they've set up a system where it is harder to get the larger leveled Pokemon over. I seriously think that with this new system, they've covered the problem that accured between second and third generation and that it won't happen again.
2. First of all, I prefer to get what Pokemon I can get in the game there. Then I go to the other games. I also think that the new transfer system they have set up will be fun and also a challange. I personally don't think that getting all Pokemon via transfer to complete the dex is good except for Pokemon you can't get otherwise. It goes along the issue of wether your lazy about it or not. Everyone else who wants it will have to do it too.
3. Personally, I don't know wether it is through age or loss of interest that your saying so many of us will quit. If it is through age, there is a whole new generation to come and pick up th torch. If it is through lack of interest, then I still see new people getting interested. There are however diehards who will never give up the game and still play the old games along with the new. They are not n00bs as you call them. In fact, assuming that the majority of people left will be n00bs is proposterous. It also would not mean they could not complete the Pokedex either.
4. I absoluty agree. In fact, I think that will come out inbetween fourth and fifth generation. The first reason I support this is, the plots already layied out. Second, they have figured out certain things, like impoving the day and night feture. Third, a lot of people will probably want to see it. Fourth, they did it for the original game. And fifth, this allows for them to have more time in coming up with Generation five.
5. Concidering that the way it is done seems to already have changed, why the big deal. And, there was the issue of trade backs back between first and second.
As for the systems no longer working. Please. One can still find an old RBY game that work. It all depends on how well you or the previous owner treated the game. It's like this for most games, though admitidly, as you do go back farther, it is harder to find a good one due to the fact that some people wear there games down.