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Will diamond and pearl ever be released?

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Mew Trainer
serebii told us that diamond and pearl would be out this year. Game Freak has come out with like four new games since they released the titles. They need to get to work on Diamond and Pearl.


you amaze me.
First off... please read the FAQ before you make a thread about release dates or look on the main site...second this needs to be closed by a mod. If you would read the main site you would know that they changed the release date for next year..and the four games are..oh how to put it....filler games leading up to the release of Diamond and Pearl..so that we have something to keep us ocupied until then...they are working on Diamond and Pearl but Game Freak and Nintendo have other projects that they're working on they can't just focus on one thing...and we don't want them to rush and screw these games up.... does that help you with your problem? A mod needs to come and close this ASAP.

Diamond and Pearl


No. D/P are a big lie. Nintendo loves losing money and getting rid of their biggest franchise. The big N loves committing suicide.



Diamond and Pearl, do you have to repeat "A mod needs to close this" in EVERY damn thread? We don't need you to say anything in order for it to be closed.
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