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Will there be an online wonder mail generator?


Yukimenoko Rox!!

Here's the closest thing you will find

just put it in the address bar and search
I know that there is a program to generate wonder mails. I am asking for something you do not have to download and install.


Don't listen to me!
Erm even then you might have to download a program to run it.

One that is just plain on a web page in html, css or javascript would be nice,
He means that he wants something you don't have to have any programs to use, one that is simple and is actually used in the internet browser.

(That was hard to type and describe...)
Erm even then you might have to download a program to run it.

One that is just plain on a web page in html, css or javascript would be nice,
He means that he wants something you don't have to have any programs to use, one that is simple and is actually used in the internet browser.

(That was hard to type and describe...)

Yes, this is what I was talking about.
well, if i had the time i would open a shop for people to request codes, but i already have a sprite shop @_@;;
and if i had the slightest clue about html and javascript i would make a freeweb page of it.