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Will they EVER release uncut Pokemon?


Well-Known Member
Did they even dub an uncut version that they could add in ona DVD? This is so stupid how much Pokemon was cut in the US. When I go to college to take a japanese learning class right when i get outta there im goin to japan and buying Pokemon box sets. Will they still be available?
No, they won't.

Not like there's much else other than signs and some rice in the uncut version.

Korobooshi Kojiro

Besides from 3 episodes, you didn't miss much really.

I dunno what the hell anime you've been watching, are you sure you don't mean One Piece instead?


Well-Known Member
i was kidding. wouldnt doing that be going a little too far? wait i heard its extremly cut in the US one is that true?

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
i was kidding. wouldnt doing that be going a little too far? wait i heard its extremly cut in the US one is that true?

It's not as heavily edited as certain other anime, but to those of us who prefer seeing the unfiltered original, there has been a lot of meaningless tinkering with the translation that gets on one's nerves.

Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
What is there to be cut in the first place? There isn't anything bad except giving James Clevage, A Gun to Ash's head, seizure inducing porygon, Jynx stereotypes, and earthquakes.


Well-Known Member
The only thing I'd like to see is the banned episodes. I've heard Electric/Computer Soldier Porygon and Legend of Dratini were dubbed, and the Jynx ones were all shown at one point too, I think.

The only one no one will ever see is Shaking Island Battle! for obvious reasons.


Old Coot
The only thing I'd like to see is the banned episodes. I've heard Electric/Computer Soldier Porygon and Legend of Dratini were dubbed, and the Jynx ones were all shown at one point too, I think.

The only one no one will ever see is Shaking Island Battle! for obvious reasons.
Porygon was BANNED worldwide and was even refused to be dubbed by the cast.

The Ice Cave was never shown outside of Japan.

Also, Pokemon boxsets? In Japan? That's a real good one!
truth be told pokemon actualy got very little edits all together, even back when it was dubbed by you know who. other then chronicles though. but once PUSA took over with battle frontier, there has yet to be a single cut or paint edit in the show (other then sometimes freeze framing the last few seconds on the "to be continued" screen) so it is uncut as far as visuals go. just the music thats currently being changed.


Yeah, ok!
PUSA still butchered the opening and that makes me sad. The Japanese Battle Froniter openings were some of the best too. :/

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
Porygon was BANNED worldwide and was even refused to be dubbed by the cast.

What are you talking about? Maddie Blaustein said they *did* dub the Porygon episode.

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
It's possible that they dubbed it before the worldwide ban was set. I doubt they would have done it after.


Leh Gardevoir Boy
All these episoids were banned/edited for STUPID reasons.

How can a Jynx be sterotypical?
Who would care if earthquakes were IRL, and a Whiscash caused one in a show?
Most kids have seen a gun, know not to shoot them..this is Pathetic.
Most kids from 3 years old up would crack up at the fact of James having "cleavage"(gosh, what a nerdy word)
The Porygon thing, I can understand, but Porygon deserves a remake of that episoids, without a blinding light..