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Gizmomancer supreme
I was experimenting with some hand movements and face expressions the other day, and come up with this...

The eternal question - Is Will sexier with or without his mask on?

It may be a little difficult to see, but that is Will's mask in his hand :). Odd how he looks like any generic anime character after taking his mask off. If you're some fan of Will (with his mask on), don't hate me for this pic OK? Just experimenting. Comments most welcome.

Yoru Ryu

Heh, i love his expression. He's like "what?" ^^ It's nice to see some Will art too... everything seems to be Steven at the moment. Oos has been lacking in Itsu art lately too ;_;

Anyway, I like him with his mask on or off, he's still the same William :p But he is a prat to do with the mask on.


So hot he's on fire.
Itsu. <333

I needed something like this *___* So that I don't end up opening a vein from sheer stress x_______x

He looks hot :D
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