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Will you be able to choose between a female or male this time?

Sorry if there is a thread made like this already. But I resently saw a trailer for Pokemon Battle Revolution and saw not the D/P trainers but someone else.


I know it could be just a trainer your battling in the game but the trailer showed Groudon and Kyogre VS Parukia and Diaruga.

Link to trailer:


So I'm thinking... maybe we will get to choose between a male and a female as the character we play in Pokemon Battle Revolution.

zomg! awesomeness! altho im a boy lol ^^

BTW: i think i know u from youtube


Well-Known Member
I think we MIGHT be able to choose how our character looks, but it is doubtful.

I'm sure they'll finally make it so you can choose the gender at least >_>


Well-Known Member
Maybe we can take existing sprites in DP and RSE and FRLG and edit their clothes For PBR.


OG Trainer
Im gonna be a male since I am a male. I see no reason to be a female if im not one. Its nothing wrong with being a girl in a game I just dont prefer to be one.

Eclipsed soul

Houndour Trainer
I hope this will allow us to pick our genders ^^ It fustrates me because I can't come up with a male name, and I USUALLY use my name for all the female characters D:


[Witty Title]
Why don't they do both genders?!?!?!?! The gamecube coulda handled it(probably). if they get lazy and dont make girl characters for the RPG(if they have one)...well, it's PITCHFORK TIME!!!!


New Member
We should have been able to pick a long long time ago!!!!!


Just me
It's not a question of handling. Most video games have predefined characters, you know. Colosseum and XD were much more story- and character-based than the Game Boy games, and it's only natural that they'd have characters of predefined genders, because the characters there were not just some random "generic Pokémon trainer X" whose gender couldn't have mattered less.

I don't know what Pokémon Battle Revolution's story mode is like, but if it's as story-based as Colosseum and XD, I really don't mind whether you get a gender choice or not. If not, it would appear the main character is female, anyway, so we girls aren't getting the short end of the stick. :p