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Will you import SoulSilver and/or HeartGold? / Which version are you getting?

Will you import?

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Mamoswine Flu
im just going to wait....IMPATIENTLY!
im getting Silver of course!
I think I'll buy Heart Gold, it just seems more logical to me, that you get the Rainbow Wing from the Radio Tower producer. (Don't ask)


Kanto SuperTrainer
im soooo importing this, waiting for my own country's release didnt go so well with platinum cuz by the time it came out in the U.S., my anticipation for it was gone, it just cudnt last, thus ruining the game for me, last time i imported was with pearl and i still found myself excited for the american release of d/p, and being in japanese doesnt ruin it for me at all cuz all i need to do is look at the attacks type, power rating, and accuracy rating, and its always obvious to tell which is which so yeah, plus i remember playing a rom of the japanese leaf green and again i was still stoke for the american release, ill be importing Heart Gold since that will be my secondary version when it comes out in the U.S., and then ill get both in english when that happens, thats what i like about the second gen, is the version thats said second that becomes my main version, when with every other gen its been the other way, although my first version was blue but that was long before i was into getting every version haha


Embraced by Hatred..
I'm definitely importing this. But at to which one I'm going to import is what I'm undecided on.

At first I thought I might import HeartGold and then buy SoulSilver when it's released in the US.. But now I'm on the fence, because I'm thinking about getting both when they hit the US.

So at this point I'm thinking about importing SoulSilver for the nostalgia and just getting both (Silver first, again for the nostalgia) when they hit the US.

But we'll see as the months pass by.

Emerald 2006

Well-Known Member
I'll wait til they're released. And my choice of the two?

Heart Gold.

I'm very familar with 1st, 3rd, and 4th Generations,
but the 2nd I know little of. I have a Gold or Silver,
but I don't play it often.
I guess this is my chance to familiarize myself with it.


Latios, don't go!!
I'm just gonna wait until they come out over here in America. I don't waist my time playing games in another language that i can not understand. Even though I am a impatient person, I'm going to wait.

Emerald 2006

Well-Known Member
I'll wait til they're released. And my choice of the two?

Heart Gold.

I'm very familar with 1st, 3rd, and 4th Generations,
but the 2nd I know little of. I have a Gold or Silver,
but I don't play it often.
I guess this is my chance to familiarize myself with it.


Latios, don't go!!
I'm just gonna wait until they come out over here in America. I don't waist my time playing games in another language that i can not understand. Even though I am a impatient person, I'm going to wait. I'm going to get Soul Silver.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
I shall be importing myself a copy of Pokemon SoulSilver from Japan upon release, and am negotiations with my Mother already about it. As for HeartGold, I will wait for the PAL release.


Well-Known Member
SoulSilver IF the games turn out to be better than the original Gold and Silver. And I will not be importing.


Well-Known Member
Nah. I'd just wait until it comes out in the US. I have a Jap Version of FireRed And I don't even use it. XD

Anyways I'm getting HeartGold since it was my first Gen 2 game and has a Place in my heart. XD
I'm definitely importing HeartGold from America. Not sure about the Japanese version...


Well-Known Member
No, I'll wait until it comes out i the US. That is what I did with Platinum. It might be a LONG wait but it IS worth it.


I'll just wait for it to come out in the US. :\ As for which version, I'll wait until some more data surfaces on version differences.


Since Pokemon is a game you play a long time and with your friends who aren't such good at foreign languages..I wait.
And yeah, HeartGold is my Choice^^
I'll wait till the games actually come out in England. I'm the most patient of the patient; even if I am a bit excited, I will act like I always do.
As for the version, HeartGold. Lugia was a favourite of mine, but now, I've gotten heavily tired of that legendary. Ho-oh is the legendary I've barely acknowledged, so I'll try to associate with his/her game. Also, I can see HeartGold getting lower sales because of embarrassed children, and I like being different, so yeah, HeartGold. Also, if less it is the less purchased I could be one of the few to have a popular exclusive, if you know what I mean. And then theres the fact I always buy the first of the duos. No idea why.
I'm going to wait until America gets it, and I'll buy Heartgold for three reasons.
1.) I've owned gold before.
2.)The majority of the people will buy soulsliver.(Yes, I dare to be different)
and three.........
3.)I'm lucky enough for my old gold to still save soo I'll use it to pass the time.


Fairy Trainer
For all the ones that said it wouldn't happen: HAHA.
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