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Will you import SoulSilver and/or HeartGold? / Which version are you getting?

Will you import?

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New Member
I guess im pretty lucky in that they will be released during my time in Japan for my study year abroad. My japanese should be good enough that it won't be terribly difficult to play through and understand.

Hopefully I'll be there for a few of the pokemon events that there will no doubt be. Oh and Heart Gold, for old times sake.

Cain Nightroad

Silver is definitely the best Pokemon game ever made, so SoulSilver it is. Both names sound a bit on the corny side, but I've always loved my Silver and can't wait to get my hands on the remake.

I don't plan on importing it though. The closest thing to importing it that I'll be doing is pre-ordering it at a local GameStop.

Focus Aipom

Why so serious?
I'm waiting till it comes here to Canada. I rather wait for the version in english.

Charzard Tamer

Johto Bound
I definatly wont be importing the game. It will just ruin the experience when it comes out in America, because I don't know Japenese. I'll probally get Heart Gold though, since I got Silver the first time around. But it depends on the version exclusives, and if there are any other difference in the games. But we'll have to wait on further details for that.


a.k.a. psp91
I'm going to wait for them here in the U.S., but you can bet that I'll be buying both. This announcement just got me back into Pokemon.


Always Searching~
I'm maybe going to import HeartGold, then buy HeartGold and SoulSilver in America. So, yeah, I may end up having two Golds.


Silence is Purple
I'll wait for it to come to the USA. I don't import things. I don't understand Japanese. So therefore my answer is no.
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Game Corner Addict
I'm hoping this Pokemon Company UK and USA merge thing will mean us Europeans don't have wait months after the US realise date till our versions come out. I'll be getting HeartGold just as I got Gold all them years ago. Damn these games are going to be amazing! roll on sunday.


The Illuminated
My very first intro to the Pokémon games was on an imported US Red, but ever since, I've waited like a good little boy for the game to be released in Ireland. Not planning on changing that stance here.
I'm definitely going with Silver this time. I went Gold back in the day and always regretted it.


I'll be getting both from the US when they arrive there.
Now to find out which game I'll make my main save on... probably depends on which game you can get Meowth in. If you can get it in both, I'll be playing on Heart Gold.

...It's got "Heart" in the title. <3


I'm going to import Gold and then buy the English Silver version. It only makes sense as I got Silver first and Gold second 10 years ago. Should be fun!

Deleted member 11515

I'll import Silver.
And, then when they come out in the US, I'll get both 8)


100% Rebel Time Lord
I'll definitely be importing one of them. Most likely HeartGold. Then I'll buy SoulSilver when it's released in the U.S.


The Amazing
Being from England... I'll probably import from the US. :D So I checked import..


Abort, Retry, Fail?
No way, I'm not importing HeartGold, not even from North America. The process seems like a hassle to me. I'll wait for the Australian release, even if the wait is over a year long.

Mr. Joker

keep calm & carry on
Wow 6 pages in one day, Yes I will be importing both versions. One to SR for a Shiny starter and one to play....

Amazing Red

Well-Known Member
I'll wait. For when it comes out for America. Untill then I have to start saving money for both games.
Even though I'm super excited for the games, I'm going to wait until they're released in America.

Then I'm going to get Heart Gold! :D Pokemon Gold was my first Pokemon game!
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