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~~Willow's Tara's egg World~~

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
Okay, well once again I am going to try and do some sprities, but for now, I am only doing eggs sprites which I was told looked good. Here's a link to them. And ignore the rest of it that isn't eggs, they were just things I was playing around with (That cut picture above the cuts was part of a picture that I didn't cut by accident)


Some of those eggs, such as Blaziken, I wasn't sure what to do with it, but I should able to do most Pokemon. I can also do D/P Sprites, I usually use the sprites from the Avatars as well (The egg is from Pokemon Elite forums).

I may not get around them every day, (I am graduating in four weeks, well three so it's busy for me) but I will try anyway.
And when I become more experienced I may think of expanding my shop like recolurs or fusions

Waiting List:

So ask away

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched

Nosepass wasn't really the most easiest Pokemon to do, and there wasn't much features besides it's big nose and it's colours, I can try a different Pokemon if you wish

Also, I don't have the program to get rid of the white spaces sorry, althought if you want to use it in this forum, you can tell me the colour of the skin on your layout (You know what I mean?) and I can try to make the background to that for you