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Windows Live Messenger help

The Thrashmeister

<-- Made of awesome.
Okay, I've been trying to sign into MSN for about a week now. Every single time, it shows the little messenger icon (the one with two blue/green people) flashing back and forth, and when I roll over, it says "Signing in." But it never signs me in. :/

-There's nothing wrong with my account, as far as I can see. I can get onto mail, but not messenger.
-Apparently, there's nothing wrong with the messenger server either, since the "Service Status" thing says that everything is stable and running perfectly.

So I'm guessing it must be a problem on my end. I just can't pinpoint what it could be though. Can anyone help?


<- It was THIS big!
Have you changed any network settings, got a new ISP, connected broadband etc? Have you been able to use messenger before? Can other accounts sign in?
Well u could try getting a new account as my friend had this prob (think) and he got a new accoutn and it worked fine after that.
Go into your firewall settings (be it windows or whatever you have installed) and check that msn is on your allowed list. Ordinarily MSN should give you an error code and a troubleshooter if this is the problem, but it sounds like yours isn't doing anything at all. Do other MSN client messengers work (MSN, Windows, Ebuddy, Trillian etc)?