• Hi all. We have had reports of member's signatures being edited to include malicious content. You can rest assured this wasn't done by staff and we can find no indication that the forums themselves have been compromised.

    However, remember to keep your passwords secure. If you use similar logins on multiple sites, people and even bots may be able to access your account.

    We always recommend using unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication if possible. Make sure you are secure.
  • Be sure to join the discussion on our discord at: Discord.gg/serebii
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Windows Media Player error

I downloaded some Kindom Hearts video's and some Drawn Together series from Bearshare/Filefront, but some of them give this error, where the text goes red and a "!" sign is suddenly infront of the title, and it's sound only! It really sucks, It doesn't ruin my WMP but does anybody has a clue how to fix it?

oh, the files are *.avi, some do work, but some not.
Could somebody help me with this? =(


Meteor Trainer
And while you're at it, uninstall Bearshare, and scan your PC with Ad-Aware SE. Bearshare has adware in it. Get another P2P program.