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Windows Vista


I own a 63 VW beetle
Hi People, I bought a Lenovo 3000 N100 Laptop Running Windows XP, A few months Ago and I now want to Upgrade it to Vista..
On Lenovos Website it said that to Express Upgrade to Windows Vista, the system must be Purchased between October 26, 2006 through March 15, 2007,
But i had Purchased my laptop, long time before October 26th

So, is there any other way of Upgrading to vista?, Like Removing XP and Installing Vista?


[Old-School TCGer.]
They're basing it on hardware. Not software.

So if you don't have the essential hardware specs, you can't upgrade.

BUT, Microsoft tends to be a bit liberal about the minimum spec, and a lot of computers that are claimed about being Vista incompatible, DO work on Vista.

But my advice is to wait for Vista to stabilise. There's no point in going for a brand new OS, because of all the holes in the programming.