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Windows XP skins.

Savage X

Hi. Is there like any sites where I can download different skins for my windows XP. Like change the start bar and stuff. Maybe a Windows Vista style or Media Center. What ever it may be, is this possible?


I dream in pixels.

RPG Maker

Lost Dreamer
To note the Royale Noir has a few minor bugs (hoping someone here can fix it) to it.

RPG Maker

Lost Dreamer
Noir's start button turns green and the inactive titlebars is too dark. Of course both works but some minor things bother me. what's wrong with Zune?


Well-Known Member
In case you use a skin with DestopX,be aware that it eats up RAM.

Savage X

Lol, once I download it and have whatever.desktop how do I install it?

EDIT: Got it, thanks Latios! Exactly what I wanted and I got black!
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