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Winter Competition


Proud Father
Welcome one and all to the

Winter Fan Art Competition

This year as winter settles in, all you budding young artists are curled up with your pen and paper by the fire, pondering what to draw, think to yourselves "i know, i'll enter the SPPf Winter competition"

The rules.

1. Winter.. well whatever you may consider a winter scene? May and Ash making angels in the snow? or maybe even Pikachu having a snowball fight with Phanpy? anything.

We'd generally prefer Pokemon being Poke forums after all but if you're really struggling feel free to be diverse.

2. The pictures must be presented on no more than 480 x 640 for the maximum size.. please pm me if you have any queries, ill be more than eager to help

3. Ok the entry catergories, there is to be 3 groups in which you can enter

Firstly, 11 and Under
Secondly, 12 - 16
and Lastly 17 and Over

if your birthday falls within the time allocated, please post it in the catergory which you were in before your birthday

4. The final date for entries is 22nd December, giving you plenty of time almost a whole month!!! The winner will be announced on the 24th of December!

5. Zephyr Flare and I are the judges, and we will not be needed any help :p so dont ask. Also we will nto be allowed to enter, as obviously it could be biased.

6. No stick figures or anything related, all pictures must be or Pokemon or Pokemon Characters, fully shaped :s

7. Plagerism will not be tolerated.

Thank you very much and DRAW people DRAW!! hope to be seeing your entries soon

p.s. *Zephyr Flare* The prizes shall be as follows

1st prize: Fully drawn media piece by me *Zephyr Flare*
2nd Prize: Fully done up oekaki though I may slack the background a tad, depends what it is in all honesty.
3rd prize: a one shot writting based on your entry or a black and white image, not line art just black & White


Current Entrants:

11 and Under - Minka_Lover,
12 - 16 - sandragon13, Phaeton, Misson_Togetic, Missningo._Master, Sai, EagleFox, Tenshi, Snagger_Outlaw
17 and Over - Who Said Pikachu?,

I would also like to point out my contest *Zephyr Flare again* All details including prizes and deadline can be found at Click here. I need entries :S

If you're stuck or ideas for the main, think what Winter means to you, for mine, cosplay may be a good headway as Chikarma loves to cosplay, in fact he's a little obcessed.

Good luck to all!
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Well-Known Member
Hmmm...it's a general idea, so anything with Pokemon and winter...

I'd better get my pen to the paper! :eek:


Proud Father
Burakki said:
Hmmm...it's a general idea, so anything with Pokemon and winter...

I'd better get my pen to the paper! :eek:

amen to that :p i would if i could ;; but im not allowed to enter :p

have fun

No but we can make entries, just can't say they're for the contest, how about source for inspiration? Yeah that'll skank past it :D

here's my shot...i never get to win anything, so i might as well try...


Proud Father
Zephyr Flare said:
People want free requests from me, whoo o.o


nah i dont think its that :p
maybe they just want to win?!?

~grem x


Well-Known Member
I dunno if this is too big, so can I display it as a thumbnail?

I'm 11 by the way.


Colosseum Challenger
Here's my entry:


Title: Explosive Winter
Age: 16
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Oceanic Legend
Santa Staryu!

I'm 12. This was done nearly all in photoshop, and took a few hours. Excuse the FB bit, I entered this in a Fizzy Bubbles competition too. ^^;;;
The background went so wrong.
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Well here's mine. I don't have really any art programs so yeah. And I'm only 13.


Sorry, I had to repost this again. I forgotten to resize the pic.

Here's the link of the pic :


The picture's meaning is the closest to this tittle. Sorry, if anoyone doesn't like the title.