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Wish cave and Purity forest


Can someone please help me with this dungeons ive try anything can you maybe post:

what pokemon is the best to use
what items are the best
and maybe more tips to clear that dungeon?


Team Magma Captain
I would say almost any pokemon can be used in there, but the level you have to work on.


Well-Known Member
I use gastly, because if you run into a monster house, you can just attack from the wall, or any hard foes infact.
Mew can be good too, if you get good tm's for it, and like jaster said, you need to level them up.


Better then you
Well in Purity Forest you can't bring any items, Poke, or partners. It's a dungeon where you have to go solo. I beat it as Mew.


If you are going to Wish Cave without wanting to spend years leveling up, here's what i did. The stategy that worked for me is using a pokemon with a damp ability (i used a quagmire) and make it hold a pass scarf. You should go solo. Doing this, almost nothing can hurt you. Every move is passed on to some enemy. Just keep going down, and after floor 50 just concentrate on getting down with battling as little as possible. Before you leave for Wish Cave though, you should bring tons of the Wish Stone (of course) MAx exixers, Oran Berries, reviver seeds, and an extra pass scarf and cleanse orb in case of a trap. Unless you are looking for someone, don't recruit as the pass scarf will pass damage to them. Jirachi is very easy at the bottom, so even with a lv 27-30 quagmire can beat it. NOTE: If a enemy gets hurt with it's own attack passed on, you won't recruit or get EXP points. Hope this works.


Well-Known Member
Some of the info in the above post is wrong. Do not bring more than one Wish Stone, as its a waste of space in toolbox. A great person has explained the details of the Wish Stone and Jirachi :):
Secondly, Pass Scarf is useless against Jirachi. When Jirachi attacks you, it will say "A mysterious force prevents moves from being passed off". Thus the Pass Scarf will be useless, and you will get hit.
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Some of the info in the above post is wrong. Do not bring more than one Wish Stone, as its a waste of space in toolbox. A great person has explained the details of the Wish Stone and Jirachi :):
Secondly, Pass Scarf is useless against Jirachi. When Jirachi attacks you, it will say "A mysterious force prevents moves from being passed off". Thus the Pass Scarf will be useless, and you will get hit.

Rofl, a great person. I wonder who explained that. :D


Team In Flames
For Wish Cave, I took:

(Tight Belt) I hadn't actually got the Tight Belt but it's a good addition.
Pass Scarf
TM01 Focus Punch

On the way, eat everything to keep up hunger, recruit everyone to fight against foes (or act as a distraction). Use the Pass scarf against enemies. Tight Belt when there are no enemies.

On the 98th floor teach Gengar Focus Punch and go up. Go into a wall and continuously Focus Punch Jirachi.

For Purity Forest:

I actually used Shedinja and by luck I picked up a Pass scarf inside. I would recommend Gengar though and just get to the top as you don't need to fight Celebi. Just eat everything.

PS Pass Scarf does not work on Jirachi and the Tight Belt does not work in walls.


going shedina s belly also guick down if i going trough a wall?
and by with pokemon happened that not


Well-Known Member
For people thinking to use gengar, remember it's going to level up slow!
Gastly, would level up fast!


ooo, what's cooking?
here is my strat. First off, bring a pass scarf with an electrode (jeez 55 damage!) and use food items.


Well-Known Member
I would say to use Mew, but I wouldn't really know, since I don't have Mew.


In Nintendo Exhile
If you plan to go into these dungeons, Mew or Alakazam would be excellent choices. Evolved Pokemon with a high defense level (like Meganium or Swampert) are pretty decent choices as well.

For items, I would recommend bringing/finding the following: Pass Scarf, tons of Huge Apples (your belly goes down by 2 pts everytime the Pass Scarf is used), Joy Seeds (I would recommend 15 for wish cave), Joy Ribbon, and a Warp Scarf (helps you get away from Monster Houses) are really good choices.


in purity forest i bring mew it going good a while but i died in a monster house on the 45 floor :-(