If you are going to Wish Cave without wanting to spend years leveling up, here's what i did. The stategy that worked for me is using a pokemon with a damp ability (i used a quagmire) and make it hold a pass scarf. You should go solo. Doing this, almost nothing can hurt you. Every move is passed on to some enemy. Just keep going down, and after floor 50 just concentrate on getting down with battling as little as possible. Before you leave for Wish Cave though, you should bring tons of the Wish Stone (of course) MAx exixers, Oran Berries, reviver seeds, and an extra pass scarf and cleanse orb in case of a trap. Unless you are looking for someone, don't recruit as the pass scarf will pass damage to them. Jirachi is very easy at the bottom, so even with a lv 27-30 quagmire can beat it. NOTE: If a enemy gets hurt with it's own attack passed on, you won't recruit or get EXP points. Hope this works.