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Wish Cave


Active Member
Gah...does anyone have a foolproof strag. that does not involve hours of lv'ing up? (I mean its fine it takes that long to lv up but the moves run out...)

having so much trouble with this stupid dungeon ><


Well-Known Member
Please use the search button, and you will find threads of only this topic. There various people have posted their strategies. Its kind of boring to post again and again about this dungeon, hence look in the existing threads.


Active Member
....the ONLY one I saw on the first page was someone asking how to take charizard and blastoise in. not any other way.
Have in your toolbox something like:

1 pass scarf
5 reviver seeds
14 joy seeds

Be holding a pass scarf.

Take in something with good attack power/good moves/relatively quick leveling up.

hold tight band for the first 10 - 15 or so levels. (the max elixers on the ground will help) .

Then eat all the joy seeds and put the pass scarf on. ( also come alone so moves arent passed to partners).

You will have lots of space in your bag now and you should be around lv 25-30 will still many floors to go. (you wont be levelling up much more though as when a pokemon dies from its own move being passed back to it you get no exp.

This level should be okay for jirachi as long as you still have your reviver seeds which you should have because you shouldnt take one hit once you have the pass scarf on.

Remember even if your belly is full eat any huge apple you see because it will increase your belly bu 10.

Also consider switching 1 of the joy seeds for a tm of a strong move your pokemon can learn but wont learn quickly through leveling up. ;123;


Active Member
hah ok thanks. But I managed to beat it. I asked for help cause I was sure i was gonna fail but I made it. BARELY X.x gahhhhh i hate that dungon so much