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Wish Stone

What exactly is the wish stone and what is it used for?
[I'm hoping to complete purity forest then go to wish cave]


Storm of Fire
You know wish cave? You go in with the stone in your toolbox. You beat Jirachi and he grants you a wish(Multiple Choice). There's a catch if you have the stone, you can't recruit Jirachi.


Well-Known Member
You don't know that... I have a trick up my sleeve...
I use the VisualBoy Advance emulator and the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red GBA ROM. And I used Cheat Codes!
I use between GameShark and CodeBreaker to get things done in a snap.

After you defeated Jirachi, It may ask to join you.
If you said "Yes", it'll join your team, and you won't make a wish.
If you said "No", you'll be able to make a wish.
Jirachi only has 350 HP. So use a Fire-type attack to defeat it easilly.
Yeah, but what wishes will it grant you?Has anyone tried?


Well-Known Member
It grants:

Rank up a level
Friend Area you don't have
Lots of money
Random items (Good?)
Random Pokemon joins rescue team

That's all i remember.
So you can't both recruit Jirachi and grant a wish right?


Storm of Fire
Right. Decide. Wishes or Jirachi?
When I get to it I will choose Jirachi.