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Wish stone?

rocklee 85

I Wont Bite!
i got the wondermail code for the wish stone,butwhen i get it as a reward does Wish Cave open???


Massive pwnage
I did the mission without wonder mail, and I got it , but I'm not sure.


Team In Flames
No it doesn't. Not until you accept Medicham's rescue plea after the credits.


fredfredburger yes!
no first go in whiscash pond and go to medicham and ekans talk they run away do a mission next talk again they run away then do mission again then they run away and keep doing mission until only ekans there. then do another mission then ekan gone now he at pelliper post office and talk to him and find the mission on the board now you can go to wish cave.


here is a wonder mail code for a wish stone

Client: Pidgey
Objective: Help Me
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Reward: Wish Stone
??9? F?S? ????
N??P F4?6 (f)???