Last updated in 6/15/2006
This may be my first comic, but this is its second thread. I got the mods to close the first one.
An evil Pokemon is on the loose, causing havok in the planet Deridia, a planet where Pokemon could live without fear of humans. Ten warriors will unite and stop the situation from getting worse.
Two Important Rules:
1) I may be a beginner, but do not be afraid to hit me with constructive criticism, after you read this. http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=91182
2) Flaming or Bashing = Immediate Reportage.
DISCLAIMER: Deoxys Ribonuke, Zora, Chaos_Control, Hitokiri Bottosai, Pokefan26, or I don't own Pokemon, any of the Pokemon, or any company affiliated with Pokemon.
Commandment number eight: Thou shalt not steal!
Notification List:
If you're in here, I"ll send you a PM every time I post a new issue.
Deoxys Ribonuke ; Hitokiri Bottosai ; Zora ; Pokefan26 ; Chaos_Control
Beta Testers:
[Cano] ; Deoxys Ribonuke ; Zora
TBC-To be continued
Gold text box-Narration
Silver text box-Firstly Introduced Move
Blue bubble-Good Guy/Unknown Side Speech Bubble-Discontinued in Issue 7.
Brown bubble-Bad Guy Speech Bubble-Discontinued in Issue 7.
Black text in speech bubbles-Male/Unknown Gender Speech
Pink text in speech bubbles-Female Speech
Comic Status Orbs inspired by Kroko:
New Comic
Normal Comic
Soon 2B Updated Comic
Updated Comic
Here are what critics are saying about Wolfhunters so far:
"This is quite good. The sprites are very well." -Iron Picachu
"A good start." -Pokefan26
"VERY good sprites." -~HåçKe®~
"I like it visually." -Blueguy, creator of Pokechow, Everstone, and Netted Bliss
"Great Sprites, Backgrounds, etc. I like it." -Bashaamo
"You do very good sprite work, and your backgrounds have a nice style." -Mastercougar, creator of Reporterz
"Good job. The sprites are well done." -RJ Fighter
"Nice history, action mixed with humor, very Full Metal Alchemist-ish, almost like a tribute." -Omega X
"Issue 4's good." -Bashaamo (again)
"The backgrounds for these comics are outstanding!" -Bagonclaw
"You put quite a bit of effort into it (I can tell), unlike a lot of other comics here. The plot is interesting, and your overall layout is very nice." -blueguy (again)
"Better than most comics on here. Alright, I'll let you in the Academy." -Infinity, creator of Listen Here.
Part One: Darkness Riding Like The Light
Issue 1: Remake of Battle at Midnight Meadow - 1/3/06 - PM me to see the original version.
Issue 2: The Diver and the Hyper - 11/19/05
Issue 3: The Satanic Jokers - 11/22/05 - Some of your questions will be answered in this issue.
Issue 4: More Than One Of The Same Thing - 12/18/05 - Finally, a battle issue with lack of chat.
Part Two: Pieces of A Puzzle
Issue 5: The Umbreon With The Mechanical Leg - 1/31/06 - Another side, another reason to like this comic, besides the smoothed graphics.
Issue 6: A Lost Ally: Part One - 3/3/06 - Due to problems with Photobucket, I've divided this oversized comic in half.
Issue 6.5: A Lost Ally: Part Two - 3/3/06
Off-Topic Quick Comics:
Al, Gay? - 11/22/05 - A quick and offensive comedy Fullmetal Alchemist fan comic with the first Pokemon overworld sprites of FMA ever used in a comic EVER!
Never Bring A Pokemon In Heat To Find Females - 12/31/05 - The quickest comic you'll ever read and one with the (maybe) lamest title.
Never Wear A White Hood On Your Head - 1/23/06 - A quick 8-Bit Final Fantasy comic. No race is offended during the making of this comic.
Q: What does FAPAAYQACs mean?
A: Frequently and Predicted Asked and Yelled Questions and Cmplaints.
Q: Why did you start a new comic thread?
A: Popularity strategy reasons.
C: The comic is too big.
A: If you don't like the size of my comic, you won't like Beco's comics'. They are like 1.5x the size of mine.
C: Cancel your comic while you got the chance!
A: No! I'll keep going until I get to the end and you can't stop me! Deoxys Ribonuke gave me this job.
If you don't like this comic, then I'm sorry to have wasted your time. But, please comment anyway.
Fan Art by the viewers who liked my comic:
None. Y_Y
Credit (Issues 1-7):
Deoxys Ribonuke-Original creator of Wolfhunters. Written original storylines of Issues 1, 3, 4, 6, 7. Made Echelon, Venus, and Delta sprites, Grinning Venus pic, Echelon back sprite. Owns Echelon, Gordon, and Delta.
Zora-Written original storylines of Issues 2, 3, 4. Owns Zora and Link.
Sharigan-Revamped Crystal Intro Suicune leaping sprite.
Chaos_Control-Written original storyline of Issue 7. Owns Steele and Blaze.
Coronis-Snowlax sprite.
The Spriters Resource.com-Pokemon sprites, speech bubbles and text, Sonic Advance 3 Route 99 City Backgrounds, Sonic Advance Sky Sprites.
The Monster Rancher Series-Inspiring Deoxys Ribonuke to use the series' Jokers to make her own series.
BiZ (Me)-Written original storyline of Issue 5. Created and edited everything else. Owns Apollo, Europa, and Randy.
This is the first thread of this comic. I only updated the first post here so I could save it in my document and paste in a new thread.
Last updated in 6/15/2006
This may be my first comic, but this is its second thread. I got the mods to close the first one.
An evil Pokemon is on the loose, causing havok in the planet Deridia, a planet where Pokemon could live without fear of humans. Ten warriors will unite and stop the situation from getting worse.
Two Important Rules:
1) I may be a beginner, but do not be afraid to hit me with constructive criticism, after you read this. http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=91182
2) Flaming or Bashing = Immediate Reportage.
DISCLAIMER: Deoxys Ribonuke, Zora, Chaos_Control, Hitokiri Bottosai, Pokefan26, or I don't own Pokemon, any of the Pokemon, or any company affiliated with Pokemon.
Commandment number eight: Thou shalt not steal!
Notification List:
If you're in here, I"ll send you a PM every time I post a new issue.
Deoxys Ribonuke ; Hitokiri Bottosai ; Zora ; Pokefan26 ; Chaos_Control
Beta Testers:
[Cano] ; Deoxys Ribonuke ; Zora
TBC-To be continued
Gold text box-Narration
Silver text box-Firstly Introduced Move
Blue bubble-Good Guy/Unknown Side Speech Bubble-Discontinued in Issue 7.
Brown bubble-Bad Guy Speech Bubble-Discontinued in Issue 7.
Black text in speech bubbles-Male/Unknown Gender Speech
Pink text in speech bubbles-Female Speech
Comic Status Orbs inspired by Kroko:
Here are what critics are saying about Wolfhunters so far:
"This is quite good. The sprites are very well." -Iron Picachu
"A good start." -Pokefan26
"VERY good sprites." -~HåçKe®~
"I like it visually." -Blueguy, creator of Pokechow, Everstone, and Netted Bliss
"Great Sprites, Backgrounds, etc. I like it." -Bashaamo
"You do very good sprite work, and your backgrounds have a nice style." -Mastercougar, creator of Reporterz
"Good job. The sprites are well done." -RJ Fighter
"Nice history, action mixed with humor, very Full Metal Alchemist-ish, almost like a tribute." -Omega X
"Issue 4's good." -Bashaamo (again)
"The backgrounds for these comics are outstanding!" -Bagonclaw
"You put quite a bit of effort into it (I can tell), unlike a lot of other comics here. The plot is interesting, and your overall layout is very nice." -blueguy (again)
"Better than most comics on here. Alright, I'll let you in the Academy." -Infinity, creator of Listen Here.
Part One: Darkness Riding Like The Light
Part Two: Pieces of A Puzzle
Off-Topic Quick Comics:
Q: What does FAPAAYQACs mean?
A: Frequently and Predicted Asked and Yelled Questions and Cmplaints.
Q: Why did you start a new comic thread?
A: Popularity strategy reasons.
C: The comic is too big.
A: If you don't like the size of my comic, you won't like Beco's comics'. They are like 1.5x the size of mine.
C: Cancel your comic while you got the chance!
A: No! I'll keep going until I get to the end and you can't stop me! Deoxys Ribonuke gave me this job.
If you don't like this comic, then I'm sorry to have wasted your time. But, please comment anyway.
Fan Art by the viewers who liked my comic:
None. Y_Y
Credit (Issues 1-7):
Deoxys Ribonuke-Original creator of Wolfhunters. Written original storylines of Issues 1, 3, 4, 6, 7. Made Echelon, Venus, and Delta sprites, Grinning Venus pic, Echelon back sprite. Owns Echelon, Gordon, and Delta.
Zora-Written original storylines of Issues 2, 3, 4. Owns Zora and Link.
Sharigan-Revamped Crystal Intro Suicune leaping sprite.
Chaos_Control-Written original storyline of Issue 7. Owns Steele and Blaze.
Coronis-Snowlax sprite.
The Spriters Resource.com-Pokemon sprites, speech bubbles and text, Sonic Advance 3 Route 99 City Backgrounds, Sonic Advance Sky Sprites.
The Monster Rancher Series-Inspiring Deoxys Ribonuke to use the series' Jokers to make her own series.
BiZ (Me)-Written original storyline of Issue 5. Created and edited everything else. Owns Apollo, Europa, and Randy.
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