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Woman power team

Pax Deorum

Tempus Vernum
Nidoqueen (F) @ Choice Band
Trait: Poison Point
EVs: 170 HP / 252 Atk / 88 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Focus Punch
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Bomb

Looks rather femalish... at least it looks like it has a bra

Gardevoir (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Trace
EVs: 156 HP / 156 Def / 20 Spd / 136 SAtk / 42 SDef
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt
- Will-O-Wisp

: )

Jynx (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Oblivious
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Spd / 252 SAtk
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Ice Beam
- Lovely Kiss
- Substitute

: )

Bellossom (F) @ Lum Berry
Trait: Chlorophyll
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Spd / 252 SAtk
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Solar Beam
- Sunny Day
- Synthesis

It needs 252 Speed to reach 198

Clefable (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Cute Charm
EVs: 252 HP / 108 Def / 60 SAtk / 90 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Ice Beam
- Softboiled
- Thunderbolt


Wigglytuff (F) @ Choice Band
Trait: Cute Charm
EVs: 120 HP / 252 Atk / 138 Def
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Counter
- Double-Edge
- Focus Punch
- Shadow Ball

Very cool movepool
Counter will still **** **** up, even if it's CB. I could try Wish though

It's a theme team, if you mention weaknesses then you are very gay


breathe, spit, walk
Pax Deorum said:
Nidoqueen (F) @ Choice Band
Trait: Poison Point
EVs: 170 HP / 252 Atk / 88 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Focus Punch
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Bomb

Looks rather femalish... at least it looks like it has a bra

sure, rock slide is always an option.

Gardevoir (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Trace
EVs: 156 HP / 156 Def / 20 Spd / 136 SAtk / 42 SDef
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt
- Will-O-Wisp

: ) I'd give this more speed and less defense. It doesn't do a good job at walling anyway, and it already burns most physical sweepers. So you're better off outspeeding stuff.

Jynx (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Oblivious
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Spd / 252 SAtk
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Ice Beam
- Lovely Kiss
- Substitute

: ) I like Psychic > sub for Milotic/Cune ownage.

Bellossom (F) @ Lum Berry
Trait: Chlorophyll
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Spd / 252 SAtk
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Solar Beam
- Sunny Day
- Synthesis

It needs 252 Speed to reach 198

I don't like this set, I like sleep powder/sludge bomb/synthesis/stun spore better.

Clefable (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Cute Charm
EVs: 252 HP / 108 Def / 60 SAtk / 90 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Ice Beam
- Softboiled
- Thunderbolt



Wigglytuff (F) @ Choice Band
Trait: Cute Charm
EVs: 120 HP / 252 Atk / 138 Def
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Counter
- Double-Edge
- Focus Punch
- Shadow Ball

Very cool movepool
Counter will still **** **** up, even if it's CB. I could try Wish though

meh, I'd probably use body slam for paralysis support. also I don't like counter with CB. Maybe thunderbolt for skarm ownage but then again clefable already takes care of that. Since you have clefable already, why is this here? Can't you just use that awesome Pokemon called Ninetales? =)

It's a theme team, if you mention weaknesses then you are very gay

suggestions underneath your sets.

Pax Deorum

Tempus Vernum
sup Altmer

Ninetales isn't very human shaped to be a woman

I don't like having more than one sleeper per team, Sunny Beaming is fun

I have used Jynx before and I rarely feel the need of using Psychic.

Counter will still kill something Physical incase none of Wiggly's moves manage to kill it.

Thanks :)


breathe, spit, walk
Pax Deorum said:
sup Altmer

Ninetales isn't very human shaped to be a woman

I don't like having more than one sleeper per team, Sunny Beaming is fun

I have used Jynx before and I rarely feel the need of using Psychic.

Counter will still kill something Physical incase none of Wiggly's moves manage to kill it.

Thanks :)

haha I always used Jynx with Psychic. It also owns stuff like Muk harder.

ATM I can't really think of another feminine Pokemon...

yeah, I just _don't_ like sunnybeaming. It can work on bellossom though.


breathe, spit, walk
PUrEHearT said:
where's kanga? or blissey?

Blissey is too much of a woman IMO, besides what do you need Blissey for when there's Clefable? ;) (who is MUCH cooler by the way)

besides the theme is about woman-looks, not female Pokemon.

Pax Deorum

Tempus Vernum
Altmer_bulbasaur said:
Blissey is too much of a woman IMO, besides what do you need Blissey for when there's Clefable? ;) (who is MUCH cooler by the way)

:) I hate the giant walking ****


Well-Known Member
Pax Deorum said:
Nidoqueen (F) @ Choice Band
Trait: Poison Point
EVs: 170 HP / 252 Atk / 88 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Focus Punch
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Bomb

Superpower > fp imo

Gardevoir (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Trace
EVs: 156 HP / 156 Def / 20 Spd / 136 SAtk / 42 SDef
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt
- Will-O-Wisp

Less def more spd more sdef.

Jynx (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Oblivious
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Spd / 252 SAtk
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Ice Beam
- Lovely Kiss
- Substitute


Bellossom (F) @ Lum Berry
Trait: Chlorophyll
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Spd / 252 SAtk
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Solar Beam
- Sunny Day
- Synthesis

lol bellossom.use .... GOREBYSS

Clefable (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Cute Charm
EVs: 252 HP / 108 Def / 60 SAtk / 90 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Ice Beam
- Softboiled
- Thunderbolt


Wigglytuff (F) @ Choice Band
Trait: Cute Charm
EVs: 120 HP / 252 Atk / 138 Def
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Counter
- Double-Edge
- Focus Punch
- Shadow Ball

It's a theme team, if you mention weaknesses then you are very gay

;217; > FEMALES

-MK ;376;

Horn Drill

Illumise, Delcatty, Roselia, Gorebyss, Misdreavus...

I thought all the feminists were dead. :confused:

Horn Drill

SapphireL said:
Watch it, Horn Drill. ¬_¬

Bite me. XD

Bellossom needs more Sleep Powder imo. Rock Slide Nidoqueen is cool too imo...

He already has Jynx with teh Lovely Kiss. o_O But I guess Synthesis might be kinda useless if Bellossom is just gonna die right away. =/
Horn Drill said:
Bite me. XD
:eek: you're such a jerk. lol XD

He already has Jynx with teh Lovely Kiss. o_O But I guess Synthesis might be kinda useless if Bellossom is just gonna die right away. =/
Exactly. Bellossom isn't gonna take MUCH.

I kinda like Wish Clefable..

Horn Drill

SapphireL said:
:eek: you're such a jerk. lol XD

All the feminists died several decades ago! XD

Exactly. Bellossom isn't gonna take MUCH.

But isn't it just adorable? :3 lol

I kinda like Wish Clefable..

But who wouldn't like an attack named "Softboiled"? :p

Horn Drill


Pax Deorum

Tempus Vernum
stop spamming my topic =D

Anyway, meh Missy, I already have Clefable

Horn Drill

Pax Deorum said:
stop spamming my topic =D

Spam is what makes threads fun! 8D

Anyway, meh Missy, I already have Clefable

Go with Softboiled so Clefable won't get killed. o_O

Pax Deorum

Tempus Vernum
I am going Softboiled, Clefable is only the biggest UU staller