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Wondermail Code generator

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Looks like this is the original source:
Click here

Old one:
Type URL or Copy+paste it:
Just enter the items you want, the type of mission you want, what dungeon you want, and it makes a Wondermail Code. It can even get you Friend Bows for just doing a mission in Tiny Woods. o_O
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this is awsome! now when ever i need an item, all i have to do is open up the program and dicide what dungeon(omg tiny woods ftw :O), what item, the client and off we go!
this is great.


Guess Who's Back?
Doesnt work.


Kabutops Freak
Not working here either, see if there is an actual link to a web page that we can go to please?


Well-Known Member
hey, can someone make me a wondermail mail code for a tight belt in tiny woods on PMD wondermail generater. it does'nt work on my computer thnx.

P.S the client doen't matter

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
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