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Woo 1000 DA hits



Well not yet... I haven't reached it, so I will leave you in antcipation with my first animation of Snagger waving her arms. This is part of it, but not all of it. Heh.


likes 'poms :3
Happy Early 1000 hits Infinity! ^_^

Again, the only problem is the proportions (Her arms would almost reach the ground o_0). Here's to another 1000(which means more stupid gif fodder for me ;) )! *toasts* ^0^


Ok, now I'm ready to post it in it's complete form. I drew it so it's art, yet it is an animation, so I guess it is best left here...?

Eh, well at least I'm getting better at drawing female figures. Here is the true reason why I drew Miror B.



It's kinda cute. The thought of Miror B. striping is sending shivers down my spine though o_O Like Housayei-san said, you just need to work on your proportions. And Miror B.'s white portion of his hair looks a bit too grey, but maybe that's just me. Keep it up, and Happy Early 1000 hits!
