wait... if their merchandising isn't toys and stuff, then why exactly did the rush One Piece just to get Chopper to appear early?
Anyway, working at 4kids probably wouldn't do you any good, because Al Khan is obviously a stubborn f***tard who never listens to reason and only wishes to make anime fans suffer. I can bet you anything there're already several decent people working at 4kids who try to talk the higher-ups out of doing the inane things they do, but to no avail.
Personally, I wouldn't mind what they get away with if they only had the uncut versions available. I really can't complain much about the voicers... unlike the Japanese version, we can hardly expect any dubbing company to get a guest voicer for every individual filler character in Pokemon, so repetitiveness is just something we'd have to put up with in a case like that. And though their voice cast is horribly limitted, they can be pretty talented at times. It's been too long since I watched for me to comment, but I keep hearing nothing but good things about the beginning of the Pokemon dub, and though I have yet to play it, I also heard decent things about them in Shadow the Hedgehog, (apparently, not having 4kids's shoddy directors does these voices some good). I know, I couldn't personally comment on those two things, but there's one thing I can comment on: I loved the uncut Shaman King dub, even if the accents from the cut dub were still there (though, we can't really blame the voicers for those if they were influenced by the voice directors, and so long as they don't say stereotypical lines, which the uncut script's of course devoid of, they can sound pretty good even with the accents).