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World of Water 2.0


Bring me the grapes.
ok this is the new version of my old WOW thread which got closed BUT....
this time i have permission from RaZoR LeAf!!!

The Plot-
It has been like this for five years in the Pokemon world. Ever since Team Magma rose up and took control of Groudon using the Behemoth Scrolls. These scrolls control Groudon, now that the Blue Orb and Red Orb are smashed. Ever since that fateful day when Greevil destroyed Cipher and Team Snagem lay low and stayed there. Ever since Archie gave up on finding the Leviathan Scrolls. The connection between the teams was broken and scarred. Giovanni and his goons tried to interfere, but all they did was feed the flames. The world is in firey ruins, all because of Team Magma. The only thing that can stop Maxie is the seven Leviathan scrolls. Their connection between Kyogre is equal to the connection of the Behemoth scrolls to Groudon. Whatever is written on the last scroll of the set controls the legend. And, lastly, all seven are hidden underwater. The world needs a water Pokemon...

ok sign-up forms!!!

Pokemon Species (only first stage unless u have permission from me. Oh, and only water Pokemon- no legendarys. they are part of the plot.)-
Other- (no shiny Pokemon)

1. You cannot do anything to other players' pokemon unless u have their permission.
2. No swearing. If you do, Scyther will chop you up with a liiitle help from Anorith, so NO SWEARING!
3. No Invinci-Characters.
4. All of the other RPG rules, I guess.


Ok, one last thing. I will PM you your attacks, summarys etc. and when u can evolve. If u are a pokemon that evolves only once, it will take longer to evolve(with the exception of Magikarp/Gyarados).

Oh, and my guy.

Pokemon Species- Marshtomp
Name- Bubbles
Gender- Male
Likes- FoxTrot, sushi (oooh a cannibal marshtomp;))
Dislikes- Mean people and bullies, Jell-O
History- Lived peacefully underwater near Lilycove until Team magma took over.

Meh summary!

Bubbles the Marshtomp

Mud Shot
Water Gun
Ice Punch
Mud Slap

Ok, that's it y'all!
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Tauros Rider2

Pokemon Species: Totodile
Name- Jaws
Gender- Male
Likes- Fish,Female Totodile and water
Dislikes- storms,Electric Pokemon
History-He was living happily near Sootopolis City.Then when Team Magma got the Behemoth Scrolls they started drying the water.This made Jaws angry.
Other-He is half shiny
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Bring me the grapes.
Tauros, welcolme!
Your summary-

Jaws the Totodile

Water Gun

Save this.

One thing, can u not be shiny because u will find a shiny morhing potion later on... maybe... so u r not shiny.
I will tell u when u can be.

Thanks 4 joining!
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Bring me the grapes.
EDIT: do u know any1 who might wanna do this and r u pikoder in the pikmin thing?


Bring me the grapes.
grrrrrrreat! can u anser my first question?

Tauros Rider2

I know my friend might like it but she is hasnt been online.

Hikari Tenshi

erghh... hungry...
Remember me? Am I still in or do I have to make a new thing?

Pokemon Species- Mudkip
Name- Kipkip
Gender- Female
Likes- She likes to solve mysteries and LOVES to travel about.
Dislikes- One thing Kipkip absolutely hates is Treeco.
History- Kipkip had an owner, but her owner released her so she could have a better life. Before she went to help find the scrolls, she lived in a pond next to an old lady's house.
Other- Kipkip has a small pendant that has a gemstone, the color emerald. from her last owner.


Wrath of Fire
pokemon species: Vaperon
name: Waterdragon
Gender: Male
Likes: Swimming, battling,and playing with other pokemon.
Dislikes: Waterdragon dislikes all pokemon who cheat.
History: Waterdragon had a trainer who loved to play with him. Once he heard about the scrolls he went to help. He left telling his trainer he would be back.


Bring me the grapes.
Mudkip_luv said:
Remember me? Am I still in or do I have to make a new thing?

Pokemon Species- Mudkip
Name- Kipkip
Gender- Female
Likes- She likes to solve mysteries and LOVES to travel about.
Dislikes- One thing Kipkip absolutely hates is Treeco.
History- Kipkip had an owner, but her owner released her so she could have a better life. Before she went to help find the scrolls, she lived in a pond next to an old lady's house.
Other- Kipkip has a small pendant that has a gemstone, the color emerald. from her last owner.

Mudkip_luv- accepted.
latios-avatar-guy- i said only first evolutions. but, if u wanna be an eevee who finds a water stone, i mite accept u.
a couple more people...


Wrath of Fire
pokemon species: eevee
Gender: Male
Likes: Swimming, battling,and playing with other pokemon.
Dislikes: Love dislikes all pokemon who cheat.
History: Love had a trainer who loved to play with him. Once he heard about the scrolls he went to help. He left telling his trainer he would be back.


Bring me the grapes.
wonderful! thanks miles
here is your summary

Love the Eevee


ok. we need 1 more person.
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Bring me the grapes.
Mudkip_luv said:
Remember me? Am I still in or do I have to make a new thing?

Pokemon Species- Mudkip
Name- Kipkip
Gender- Female
Likes- She likes to solve mysteries and LOVES to travel about.
Dislikes- One thing Kipkip absolutely hates is Treeco.
History- Kipkip had an owner, but her owner released her so she could have a better life. Before she went to help find the scrolls, she lived in a pond next to an old lady's house.
Other- Kipkip has a small pendant that has a gemstone, the color emerald. from her last owner.

Kipkip the Mudkip

Ice Ball

EDIT- the rp will start after we get 1 more person.
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Bring me the grapes.
an egg move.
sometimes i will hand them out.

Ok, now is the RPG start!
*too lazy to put in link*
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Enflamed to the end
Well I'll give this a shot.

Species: staryu
Name: Psy
gender: genderless (but if needed ill be male)
Likes: Battle,training,friends,taking out enemies
Dislikes: defeat,grass type pokemon
History: Psy was born with a dark green middle instaid of the usual red center, as a young staryu it was attacked by a sharpido pack which left it injured and its pack abandoned him. He forever hates all sharpido and carvana.
Other: He carries a blue shard in the middle of his red jewel no one knows how or why its there but it is(is that better I changed it to be a future water stone for evolution but until then its just likea blue spec on his jewled section)

EDIT: Ok I edited.
EDIT times 2:yeah ok i edited
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