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Worlds Away

Favorite R.A.A. battle

  • Who cares?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Victreebell, and Arbok vs. R.A.A.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Onyx, Pikachu, and Starmie vs. R.A.A.

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Tyranitar vs. R.A.A.

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Hyper-chu vs. R.A.A. and Jolteon

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters


Chapter 1: Mistaken



Chapter 1:

A scientific researcher named Jack Tallihan is given the job to scout out a new dimension that scientists at the D.R.L. have discovered. He takes with him a robotic guardian, R.A.A., and some recording equipment. He arrives in this new dimension at Virmilion Forest and is arrested by Officer Jenny because he fits the description of a poacher she's after.

Chapter 2:

Jack shares a prison cell with James and Meowth of Team Rocket, and, after a dream sequence which reveals aspects of his past, he escapes with them after Jessie comes to rescue them.

Chapter 3:

Jack escapes from Team Rocket with his robotic guardian and finds himself in another forest. Deciding that this is the opportune time to study this strange environment, he pulls out his recording device and surveys the area. Soon, though, Team Rocket is after him because they wish to capture his robot which they think is a new specie of Pokemon. Ash, Misty, and Brock see him descending from the sky and are also looking for his landing sight. Officer Jenny is searching for him so that she might take him back to prison, and all three of these parties end up confronting Jack and the robot at the same time.

Chapter 4:

A battle between Jack's robot, R.A.A., and Starmie, Onyx, Growlithe, and Pikachu ensues. Pikachu is stolen by Team Rocket after the battle is over, and Jack offers to help get it back.

The plot takes so many twists and turns and unveils itself as something much more than the beginning chapters would have you believe. Stick around for a fic with non-stop action and a most unexpected and shocking ending (chapter 16). Enjoy!

Chapter 1:

After years of research and countless experiments, scientists at the Dimensional Research Laboratory have confirmed the existence of multiple dimensions. Having tested the waters with monkeys and other animals, they were finally ready to send a man to another dimension. His quest into the unknown would be broadcast on television around the world and everyone would watch in awe as Jack Tallihan wandered through the various distortions of this world.

Equipped with a protective suit to guard him against any possible threat present during the dimensional transfer and a robotic companion who would serve as a protection against any thing that he might face in the strange lands, Jack was already being strapped into the vortex generator. The robotic guardian was fashioned in the shape of a back pack and could unravel itself to become a six-foot tall, walking humanoid. Some assistants placed his helmet on and then stood back as operators began to activate the vortex. Encased in a white metal sphere, no one could see the look of horror on Jack’s face as he started to hear all manner of humming noises and began to feel as if he was being pulled in all directions at once. The white orb that he was inside of continued to gain power and the lights in the lab began to flicker. Moments later volts of electricity shot from all around the orb into the center creating a glowing mass of light.

“Step into the light, Jack,” urged a scientist.

“I always imagined hearing that at a different time but, here goes.” Jack took a step forward and then disintegrated and disappeared. The world was watching as this happened and everywhere people were anxious to hear what would happen next. Then, one of the head scientists at the D.R.L. stepped up to the camera.

“Our mission seems to have been a success. Jack Tallihan, the brave volunteer that you just saw disappear should be on his way to a pre-determined landing point in a world far different from our own. This landing point has been scouted out by a trained monkey and is very secluded. He won’t draw attention to himself and we will be able to bring him back if he returns to that same spot at the right time. Don’t worry, we told him when to return. Um, now all we can do is wait. He won’t be back until next week and then he will give us a full report on this other world that we’ve sent him to. We’ve provided him with a video recording device with which he can document his days exploring the unknown. That is all.”

Jack was still between the worlds traveling towards the end of the tunnel created by that machine. His body was being pulled in different directions by the force of him passing through a rift to another world. His face contorted with pain as he struggled not to cry.

“I…can’t imagine…how…bad this would’ve been without…this…suit,” he struggled to say, talking to himself. Then it stopped and Jack began to appear in the middle of a forest near a stream. As his individual particles began to rush together, some forest Pokemon began to stare at him curiously. Something was wrong though and Jack couldn’t tell what. It was a Raichu. A Raichu had been taking a drink at the spring in the precise spot where Jack was set to appear. The Raichu struggled as Jack’s physical presence revealed itself more and more even though it was occupying the same space as this unwitting Raichu. It let out an extremely powerful electrical charge freeing itself in the process. When Jack’s translation was complete, he hollered out with pain and then collapsed face-down in the grass unconscious. The Raichu, exhausted, slowly crawled away.

“Excuse me sir, but this is no place to take a nap.” Officer Jenny had been patrolling the forest searching for poachers that night and happened to come upon a strange man lying unconscious in the grass. Jack slowly became conscious and opened his eyes. He lifted himself off of the ground promptly and stood face to face with a blue-haired, brown eyed woman with a sapphire hue officer’s uniform on.

“Um, I…I’m sorry miss,” Jack stammered now remembering what had just happened to him. He looked down at his watch. It had not survived his dimensional transition and was no longer an accurate time piece.

“I’m going to have to take you in to the station, sir,” Jenny said as she pulled out a pair of handcuffs and motioned for him to turn around.

“That’s really not necessary, I was just feeding the ducks here and, well, um, I got kinda drowsy and just passed out right here on the edge of this lake. Isn’t that a funny story? I can’t wait to tell my…friends back in the town or city, place,” Jack said nervously. Jenny could see that he was lying by the way that his hazel eyes darted from side to side as he told his tale.

“That s’posed to be funny, punk?” she said becoming more forceful. “What do you need this big metal back pack and all of this protective armor for if all you are doing is feeding the “ducks” as you call them? What are these ducks? Are they here now?” Jenny grasped her Growlithe’s Pokeball and threw it to the ground in front of Jack.

“What the heck is that? Are you throwing some kind of bomb at me?” Jack said as the ball hit the ground. Beginning to open, Jack shielded his face and instinctively moved back as a small orange dog-like creature with a bushy white beard and a bushy white tail appeared. It was unlike anything he had ever seen and Jack reached in his pocket for his mini video recording device (m.v.r.d.). Growlithe leaped towards him and locked his jaws around Jack’s arm. Jack cringed and let go of the camera as Jenny tackled him to the ground finally hand cuffing him.

“Try to pull a fast one, eh? Well, you’re going with me to the station.” Jenny finished cuffing him and led him to the police car that was parked at the edge of the forest. She had taken his m.v.r.d. and was now examining it as they walked along. “Is this a Pokemon egg that you stole?” She said not quite understanding such an odd little device. It was as small as the palm of her hand and had a metallic hue and sparkled brightly when sunlight struck it through the foliage of the forest. Its elliptical shape made it look similar to a very small Pokemon egg and this would be Jenny’s prime evidence against him. Having supposedly found one of the poachers she had been looking for, Jenny drove off towards Vermilion City. Jack sat in the back of the police car having been relieved of his robotic guardian back pack and metallic armor wondering where he be taken and how much trouble he was in.

That’s the end of chapter 1. How was it? Any feedback is welcome.
Last edited:


Pretty good. When I was 10 or 11, I wrote a story like
this, though not as good. The grammer is good, but
I don't go after every little bit of grammer like some other
people do, so I might have missed a thing or two, but it
seemed pretty good. I have one question, though.
Why did Jenny pull him away for just sitting or did she
see him appear? Or did she just see the thunderbolt
and see the Raichu crawling away? Anyway, good job.


Hey, my first review! Thank you. Jenny was looking for poachers and she saw him lying there with all this armor on and a metal back pack and decided he looked suspicious. Looking back, I don't think that I stressed that enough. I might have to go and edit so that it's clearer why she picked him up. Thank you for your review.


Binky-boo! <3
^^ It was probably a restricted area, like the Safari Zone. Civilians most likely weren't allowed inside.

Anyway, this sounds like an interesting fic. An earth guy stuck inside the Pokémon world... Cool.

A little short, but your description is pretty good. I like how you explained the process and the history. Seemed a bit rushed at times, but that's okay.

It was also a bit amusing, which I liked. XD Heh heh... "Step into the light..."

Not bad. I look forward to reading more of this. =)


Oh, okay. Glad it helped. Hope you get
more done soon. See ya.*logs off*


Hey, lilbluecorsola, thanks for the review. I'll work on the details and description and hopefully the next chapter will be better. Thank you again.


The magic of Pokemon
Okay, let's see here...

Description: Not bad, but this could be a better if this was written from the human's POV (Just a suggestion)
Characters: Okay, but my question is: How did your hero get picked to be beamed into the Pokeworld?
Plot: While this isn't an entirely new concept, you put an interesting twist on it by having a human choose to be beamed to the Pokeworld, rather than the human(s) magically getting beamed there.

Anything else?: Is your hero going to meet Ash and co.? I'd like to see his reaction to Brock going gaga over Officer Jenny and/or Nurse Joy


As you requested, I'm here billy.

Wow. Very original plot here. Length was OK, but you might wanna consider adding more. Description was very nice, and the dialog was kept to a minimum. A story shouldn't have too many dialog, hehe. No grammatical & spelling errors, that's good. I'd like to see what happens. Will Jack become a PKMN trainer? I might give you some ideas for some parts of your fic. PM me again.

9/10, the only problem was the length. Make it longer & it should be good 2 go!



Spikeshell Trainer
Brilliant, brilliant. Please continue, you've got me hooked. The 'Into the light' thing made me laugh. I think it's developing quite nicely. I haven't read a fic quite like this before, and where you take it will be intresting. I especially like this classic reaction:

"What the heck is that? Are you throwing some kind of bomb at me?”

That was great, as it'd be the exact reaction any human would have. I'd like to see his reaction too many more things in the Pokemon world. I like you're description, although a little more wouldn't hurt ;) I like it. Lets see how it progresses.


Hey, thanks a lot. Expect chapter 2 sometime this week.

Dark Latios

Beautiful Tragedy
Pretty good for a start.
The description of the areas and items was ok, but it would have been better if you added more description to how the characters looked. (You described Officer Jenny good enough).

Example: what's the color of his/her hair? How old is he/her? Was he/her tall or short? Etc.

Another thing it needs is length, but seeing as this is only chapter one it is fine for it to be that short. Other than that it's fine. Your grammar is excellent the storyline so far is amusing and exciting. So far so good keep up the good work!



Chapter 2




The police car slowly drove into a small coastal city. Jack looked out to see people standing on the sidewalk looking right in at him and making a spectacle of the newest criminal in town. He slumped down in his seat to avoid the humiliation of being seen by any of the other town’s people. It was a very small city and Jack judged it boring seeing as how a whole neighborhood had soon awaken to investigate what new criminal had been brought in to the local jail house.

“Not much happens around here, does it?” Jack asked Jenny who was now parking the police car.

“If you mean that the people of this town are not use to the presence of Pokemon poaching scum bags like you, then no.” Jenny walked around and opened his door.

“Listen lady, there has been a major misunderstanding. I don’t even know what a Poke man is! Please let me go. I have business to attend to.” Jacks pleas fell on deaf ears as Jenny walked into the station announcing that she had captured a Pokemon poacher in the
Viridian Forest.

“We’re gonna keep you here for an indefinite amount of time until we can review all of the evidence against you,” said Jenny confident that there was more than enough to convict him. Jack was shown to his cell where two other prisoners were already being confined.

“What are you in for?” asked a blue-haired man with a shady voice.

“I’m not even sure,” Jack said as he continued to look out of the bars and not behind him where the other convict sat.

“My name is James, and I’ve been wrongly apprehended too.”

“I’m Meowth, and I had jail time comin’ to me ever since I joined up with this loser.”

“I am not a loser!” James said indignantly now standing up. Jack turned around to see a man in a white suit with a big red “R” on it conversing with a talking cat that had three large whiskers on either side of its mouth and a golden coin in the center of its forehead. The sight was nearly unbearable and Jack moved backwards to the opposite corner of the jail cell.
“They told me it’d get interesting but I never imagined this kind of crazy,” Jack thought as he continued to look at his cell mates with awe.

“So, where ya from buddy,” the Meowth asked as he became uninterested in his bout with James.

“Um, well, I’m from a town up north,” Jack said stammering frequently because of his nervousness due to the peculiarity of the situation.

“What’s the name of this town? I’m sure we’ve robbed it once.” James and Meowth shared a prideful smile and awaited Jack’s answer. Jack pulled out from his coat pocket a small digital voice recorder and began to talk, planning to record the things he said from now one so that he might keep his story continuous and not have people become suspicious about his origin.

“Have you heard of Meridian Town?” Jack bellowed into his recorder more than at Meowth and James. The two looked at each other confused and then both began to speak at once.

“Yeah, we took loot from there all the time before we was captured,” was Meowth’s reply.

“I haven’t heard of that town before,” James replied looking confused and then changing his answer. “Oh yes, Meowth’s right, we have stolen plenty from your hometown.”

“That’s nice, what about you two? Where are you from?” Jack asked this and then held out his voice recorder so that it might pick up the ensuing reply.

“None of your business! What’s with all the questions?! Are you some kind of under cover agent trying to tarnish…further tarnish my record?! Get that mike out of my face.” This was definitely not the reaction that Jack had hoped and he quickly put the recording device away. Jack finally sat down on a bench on the opposite side of the cell and propped his head up on his hands. Exhausted, he began to close his eyes. In moments he was fast asleep and he began to dream.

* * *

“What’s this, I’m back in that portal again.” Jack emerged from the portal and was back in that science laboratory in the middle of a medical room.

“Does it hurt when I do this?” a doctor questioned, punching him in the jaw.

“Yeah, gosh, was that necessary?” Jack tried to say as he held his jaw and rubbed it.

“We have to get you ready for the mission. You don’t want to be stranded in some crazy dimension and end up not being able to take a punch in the jaw do you?” The doctor asked this in such a professional tone that he had Jack reevaluating whether or not the test had been necessary.

“I guess I don’t,” was all he could reply before he found himself sitting at his home at the kitchen table. The light blue curtains calmed him and the sun’s rays came in through the window giving him a sense of warmth and coziness in what he immediately recognized as the house that he and his mother had lived in when he was only seven. Jack looked down at his hands which were propped up on the table. They had gotten considerably smaller and he felt as if he was much shorter than usual. He then examined his sleeves to find that he was wearing what had been his favorite shirt at the time: a blue and red Spider-man shirt.

“I didn’t know that I still had this,” Jack commented still peering at his old shirt and his odd transformation. The smell of peanut-butter cookies permeated the air as a woman turned around from facing the oven.

“Of course you still have it, you’re wearing it now,” his mother said holding an oven pan full of cookies that smiled and agreed with her.

“Great shirt,” one cookie nodded.

“Yeah, I’d get in your belly just to be next to that awesome shirt,” one cookie shouted as it jumped off of the cookie sheet and started to roll towards Jack. Jack stepped backwards and then started to run towards the door and out of his house. Upon exiting the door he found himself considerably taller and dressed in a cap and flowing gown. His name was called and he walked towards the center of the platform and accepted his bachelor’s degree in trans-dimensional science. He looked at the crowd only to see a sea of people shaking their heads in disapproval.

What kind of job are you gonna get with that degree? You should’ve gone into engineering. Boooooo,” his mother hissed from the front row and Jack slowly walked off stage and into a forest that led to a laboratory. Jack walked in, now clothed in a lab coat and wearing goggles on the top of his thick black hair. Trans-dimensional research had become quite proliferate and lucrative in the last few years and Jack picked up a phone to call his mom. It rung a few times and then the answering machine was activated.

“Leave a message after the beep and I will get back to you,” was the recording and Jack began to gloat about his scientific success. He had had a lot of success in his past few years of research. He had discovered the most effective energy source for a machine that was capable of trans- dimensional travel, he had discovered an equation for estimating the most opportune time for dimensional travel, and had gotten a few raises in pay only in his first two years of research.

“I really do enjoy this side of the work,” Jack said, still talking on the phone to the answering machine, “but, I want to be more involved in the field work, I want to be the first one to experience trans-dimensional travel, I want to…

“I did not ask you all that!” The answering machine barked and the beeping tone signaled the end of the recording. Jack chuckled and when he looked up, he was inside of the fourteenth dimensional transfer machine. The machine powered up and electric volts gathered in front of him into a ball of light. Jack became very fearful and half of him wanted to just wriggle out of this responsibility and go back to his desk where he would only be using his mind. Field work was much more frightening than he had imagined.

“Hey, guy, you want to get out?” a whisper of a voice said to him.

“Yes, please, I’m not sure that I’m cut out for this dimensional transfer stuff,” Jack replied, relieved at a chance to shirk this amazing responsibility.

* * *

“Leave the nutcase, James!” was Meowth’s response to Jack’s ramblings in his dreaming state.

“No, I want to go with you.” Jack jumped up finally coming to his senses and not wanting to pass up his opportunity to escape from his wrongful imprisonment.

“Well get up then.” Meowth motioned for Jack to walk with him through a hole in the wall where a tall female stood outside behind a cloud of smoke. The prison guard sat outside the cell, sleeping with his hat over his face.

“Seems the criminals have found a way to escape and now I’m going to go with them so that I may be free to commence my research of this strange dimen…place,” Jack dictated into his digital voice recorder as Meowth and James stared at him. “Okay, here I go.” So Jack escaped into the night with three criminals as the only way to get free from the clutches of the Vermilion city law force.

That’s the end of Chapter 2. Jack’s dream kind of revealed some of his history and elaborated on how he was chosen to test the trans-dimensional vehicle that the scientists at D.R.L. had developed. Any comments, questions or criticisms are welcome.


Binky-boo! <3
Hm, a little confusing at times, but not bad. Length was better and description stayed average.

XD About the talking cookies.

I think I noticed a spelling mistake somewhere, but it was only one. =P

I wonder where Jessie is... =l
Read the whole thing, and it is quite good! I like the descriptions, and Jack reacts just like anyone would if they were thrust into an alternate dimension. The characters are good, and the plot is original. Overall, great fic, keep up with it. I'll check back occasionally to check on your progress.

SC~ out


Thanks a lot for taking time to review my fic. Next chapter will probably be out by January 2


I got your message, so I'm here now. Let the review begin!

Grammar: Your actually one of the few authors who uses good grammar... I believe I found only one mistake: You began a sentence with "so"! Remember your conjunctions with For And Nor But Or Yet So. Never use them after a semicolon (;) or at the start of a sentence. 9.8/10
Spelling: Perfect! I didn't notice any mistakes, so you get a coveted score! 10/10
Plot: Very original. I've never heard of a story where a Earth boy gets sent to the Pokemon world. Pretty neat, but it may have some flaws here and there. 9.7/10
Overall: You've got yourself a good story on your hands, and it may become a classic. Keep up the good work!

Score: 9.9/10 Just that one grammar mistake threw you off from perfection!


Hey, thanks a lot! That's a pretty cool memory device that you've got there. I'll take your advice and hopefully the next chapter will be even better. Stay tuned!


Here's chapter 3. Hope you all enjoy!


“Let’s hurry and get out of here before the police know what’s going on,” whispered the tall woman who had liberated them. The smoke cleared and she became completely visible. Her stiff red hair hung to her left, suspended in the air by some amazingly powerful hair gel.

“Thanks Jess.” Meowth and James said as they scurried through the hole in the wall. Jack followed apprehensively.

“Is she a partner of yours?” Jack asked. While waiting for a reply, Jack dictated the details of the situation into his digital voice recorder as he crawled on hands and knees through a hole in the prison wall.

“Yeah, James and Jessie are my underlings. We work for Team Rocket,” the Meowth said as all three of them emerged from the other side of the hole.

“Small town prison wall is nothing I can’t handle. Who’s this other guy? I don’t remember coming to rescue three losers,” Jessie said looking at Jack.

Having missed the comment, Jack spoke into his voice recorder as he looked up in awe. There, right behind the prison stood a giant hot-air balloon. It had the shape and look of Meowth’s head but was much larger. “Now it seems that the criminals have prepared a hot-air balloon as a getaway from the prison. The balloon is shaped like…” Jack paused as he thought about his missing gear that was in the police station. “This would be a lot easier to picture if I could actually take pictures.”

“Come on motor mouth, we need to go!” Jessie shouted. The band of criminals quickly jumped into the hot air balloon and lifted off as Jessie untied the ropes that held them to the ground. The four floated off into the night sky and Jack was caught up in more trouble than he had hoped for.

* * *

“Zzzzzzzz * snore * zzzzzzz.”

“Hey Ron, I’m here to take over. Your shift is up.” The prison guard who was on duty did not respond and the other security guard approached a cell near by. The cell’s interior was covered with dust and there were still a few particles of dust floating in the air. “Wake up! I think these prisoners have escaped. Ron!” Ron jerked and then launched out of his chair as his hat fell to the ground.

“How does that Growlithe know water gun?!” Realizing where he was, Ron removed himself from the dream as the other prison guard struggled to get him to realize the emergency that had taken place. It was 2:00 a.m. and they were the only two officers in the jail. Ron ran to the phone and called in the alarm.

* * *

“That’s my stuff!” Jack shouted as he saw his armor and m.v.r.d. on the floor of the balloon basket. Jack moved towards his gear

“Your stuff? We stole this from that police station.” Jessie moved in front of Jack and hindered his progress towards his lost armor and robotic back pack.

“Robotic Armor Assistant, activate!” Jack’s metal back pack unfolded into a 6 foot tall metallic humanoid. Its shiny metal coat was impervious to most conventional weaponry and his back was equipped with two jet-propulsion systems. R.A.A. lifted its head and its eyes shined a bright yellow color. Its arms were about as thick as Jack’s, very strong although not exceptionally large, and its legs were two compact powerhouses as well.

“What is that thing?!” Jessie, James, and Meowth all exclaimed at once.

“I’ve never seen this Pokemon before!” James said this as he and the others scurried to the other side of the balloon basket.

“Online and operational…System check complete…Awaiting your command.” The robot stood motionless awaiting a word from Jack.

“Upload program 2345A.” At Jack’s request, scientists at D.R.L. had programmed the personality of Jack’s best friend into his robotic companion. When the program finished loading, the robot assumed the personality of Tom Hsusaki. Tom was a good friend of Jack’s. They had gone to the same college for the same degree and ended up working in the same lab. Tom was very intelligent and had a sense of humor that permeated everything he did.

“So Jack, how’s it going,” the robotic Tom said as Team Rocket still huddled motionless on the floor of the balloon.

“Pretty well, Tom. I’m just escaping from prison with some criminals,” Jack said calmly as he began to pick up the rest of his equipment.

“Whoa, that’s not the Jack I know. What do you mean? What did you do? I’ll pretend to be a hostage if they come after us!”

“Let’s get out of here.” With that the robotic Tom grabbed Jack under the arms and lifted him out of the basket. They flew away, heading towards the rising sun.

Team Rocket slowly got up. “Stop right there you fiend!” yelled James a little too late.

“Don’t compliment this intruder!” Meowth yelled. “It’s gone now anyway.”

“What a wondrous Pokemon that was!” Jessie’s eyes were glowing with covetous envy. She began to think of how the boss would react when they brought him a Pikachu and a new species of Pokemon that they had discovered. They must find Jack and that new Pokemon. Pikachu would come first though.

* * *

Three young adventurers strolled through the streets of Saffron City. One with a head full of unruly black hair covered by a red cap, one with orange hair and a pony tail on the left side of her head, and one with spiky black hair. A small yellow mouse followed them on all fours as they walked through the city. The mouse screeched and then pointed upwards.

“What is it, Pikachu?” Ash asked looking down at his Pokemon who was gesticulating frantically. Just then, a man being carried by a rocket propelled robot flew high over the city and towards the neighboring forest.

“What was that?!” Misty and Brock both followed the unidentified object with their eyes.

“I don’t know, but we’re going to find out!” So Ash, Misty and Brock all headed out of the city and towards the landing site of this strange object.

* * *

“Engaging landing protocol.” The robot made a series of turns as it spiraled closer and closer to the ground. A parachute was released and Jack and robot Tom slowly descended into yet another forest.

“I was afraid that I’d be trapped with those criminals for the rest of my stay here.” Jack was genuinely relieved that he had been able to escape from Team Rocket.

“Who were those guys?” Robotic Tom asked curiously.

“I’m not quite sure. All I know is that they helped me escape and reunited me with my equipment. Now I can commence my research. We’ve wasted two days and have only voice recordings to show for it. It’s time to get to work.”

“Right. I need to get some more fuel, Jack. We flew for quite a while after escaping from that balloon.” They landed in a tree and Jack and robotic Tom hopped down the branches and landed on the forest floor. Jack pulled out his m.v.r.d. and began to record his surroundings. Everything about this world was amazing to him. Caterpie were filmed squirming up tall trees, Pidgey were filmed as they tended to their eggs in nests high above the ground.

“I guess these creatures are kind of a parallel to the animals we have in our dimension,” Tom postulated as Jack continued to move his camera around in all directions making sure not to miss anything.

* * *

The three young trainers wandered through the forest as they searched for the unidentified flying object.

“I bet it was from outer space.” Ash looked at the others with eyes that perfectly portrayed his excitement about the idea.

“If it’s a new species of Pokemon, that would be fascinating.” Brock smiled thinking of the new advances that could be made in Pokemon bio-research. He had become an expert on Pokemon species and this idea of possibly finding a new one or one from outer space thrilled him.

“Look over there!” Misty had spotted a man standing in the forest next to a strange looking creature.

* * *

Poaching activity had been reported by residents of Saffron City and Officer Jenny was sent to investigate. She walked through the forest occasionally reporting back to headquarters.

“Wait, I think I see something. It’s an odd man with some odd equipment scoping out the forest. I’m going to sneak up on him and apprehend him for questioning. I think I may have found our poacher.”

* * *

“I know the twerps were headed for Saffron City after our last encounter with them.” Jessie, James, and Meowth floated in the direction of Saffron City eventually landing their balloon in the forest adjacent to the city.

“We’ll ambush them as they leave the city and trap them in a hole. We better find the right spot to start digging.” Meowth and the others began to scout the forest for the perfect spot to set up their ambush.

* * *

“I’m getting some electrical interference with this recorder. Tom, scan the area for its source.”

“I’m picking up a lot of things on my radar. The electrical interference seems to be coming from only 30 yards east of this spot.” As he said this, Officer Jenny jumped out from behind a bush.

“You again?! I thought I arrested you back in Virmilion!”

Jack started to run in the opposite direction when after only a few steps he came face-to-face with Team Rocket.

“Prepare for trouble,” the red-haired one started off.

“Make it double,” James followed.
“To protect the world from devastation.”

“To unite all peoples within our nation.”

“To denounce the evils of truth and love.”

“To extend our reach to the stars above.”



“Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light.”

“Surrender now or prepare to fight.”

“Meowth, that’s right!”

Jack quickly turned to his left and started to run when.

“Stop right there.”

“Pika Pika!”

Ash, Misty, and Brock confronted Jack intending to apprehend him and his strange Pokemon. Jack backed up and stood in the midst of these three groups and pulled out his voice recorder.

“It seems as if the various opposing forces of this place have cornered me and now I am unable to escape.”

That's the end of the 3rd chapter. What do you think? I tried to improve on length and this one was about 5 MSW pages. Is that good? Input is appreciated as always. Oh, and I'd like to thank Legendary Shobu and Flaming Ruby for inspiring me to work the anime characters into the storyline.


Binky-boo! <3
x.X Whoo... Confusing, but not bad. Description and length were both fair. Nice.

Whee, the twerps- er, I mean the gang is here! ^^;

I like the part at the end when he was speaking into the recorder about his situation. =) Cool way to end it.

He seems awfully calm about all this however. I suppose he went through training. XP

Anyway, nice chapter. =D