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worst battle you have ever had


lol at you
what is the worst battle you have ever had.. like in tornaments and stuff like that.. did you do something wrong, made a stupid mistake, stuff like that.. it happend to me once at a tornament.. my lugia was on low health and i totally forgot it knew recover and this was the last pokemon i had !! so i lost... tell your storys

Mse Ownage

Ur Going Down!
had a big safe with my sapphire rayquaza lvl 100 and kyorge 100 flygon 87 i know its no such a good but i loved them and i battled allot with them got nice records and once's i started a new game..sniff..sniff.. i want MY SAFE GAME BACK!!!!!!!dude...

EDIT: yeey rank up :):)


lol at you
why did you start a new game if you liked your pokemon so much?? weird


I was in the cave before going to the Elite Four [In Emerald ; Hoenn], and was battling Wally. Then he threw out the Pokemon, Gardevoir, and it kept using Calm Mind that all my attacks were useless; It wouldn't work on that Gardevoir. >_>;; Then at unexpected times, when I was using my defense, the Gardevoir attacked me, causing me to faint. >o

Mse Ownage

Ur Going Down!
why did you start a new game if you liked your pokemon so much?? weird

i where like 7 years old and i where bored but i know allot more things about pokemon and i want my flygon kyorge and rayquaza back! anyways...

<< UUBERS lol anways i liked them u need to accept that ore die :p;107;


Well, I was facing the twins with Lunatone and Solrock, and I forgot two things:
1) They have Levitate
2) My other pokemon didn't.
I still won, but wow, how did I do something that stupid? In my defense, I was probably unaware of it at the time, the abilities and Earthquake's flaw.


Well-Known Member
When battling Noland for the silver Knowledge symbol I forgot about Gengar having Levitate as his ability... so I got my Metagross to use Earthquake...

I still won though.


Natsu no Maboroshi
I'd say my first gym leader battle, waay back in Yellow version

Pikachu vs Onix...XD


Well-Known Member
Fighting the legendaries, without a master ball I cant catch a single one, they always faint and I can never catch any.


Powerplay Champion
fought gary, and was down to my venasaur, almost lost, but pulled through with cut...
forgot to save my dewgong for last...


I was fighting Steven in the Elite Four and ran out of Revives, so I could only bring back three of my Pokemon. That was not pretty. I had to restart.

Yami ookami

Well-Known Member
In battle towr. My last poke was forrteress with explosion, earthquake, toxic, and somthing against scarmery.


Time Lord Victorious
Any battle with that Megenium from battle frontier which has no damaging attacks. It has substitue, making it though to give it some damage.. I have to switch out always because of leach seed. It keeps on using grasswhistle. Even if my pokemon is asleep. It uses synthesis for no reason. I can only win when it's down to struggle. It especially sucks if that was the opponents first Pokemon, and I have to deal with two other pokemon with whatever is left of my team. Now, as soon as I see it, I go straight for ice beam, so I don't have to deal with that nitemare.


Well-Known Member
Well I have this little problem where I kinda space out and I usualy just hit the A button on the selected attack, not relizing what the attack was. Usualy it really doesn't mees things up too much but a few times it does. Once I was versing my friend's Tyranitar, and I had my Togetic out. I had just beaten his Gengar with Metronome [it was at like 1 HP, and I love using this attack], so anyways the selector was on Metronome, and I wanted to use.... I forget what, but anyways yeah I hit Metronome, it came out as a Frenzy Plant, but it missed. Yeah that caused me to lose the entire battle.
I've done the Levitate thing too.
"Gengar, huh? That's a poison type! Go, Marowak!"
Knowing, at the time, three ground moves and Headbutt.

The dumbest thing I've ever done is sending Venusaur out against Starmie.
Forgot entirely about their second types, and got Psychic'd on the first round.


Time Lord Victorious
In battle frontier's tag team battles, when I know that I'm going to win, I kill my partner for fun. You should try it. It looks cool if you use ice beam on your partner. It's a straight line to the right.


Well-Known Member
sometimes if I'm playing on and I'm bored with the battle I zone out and when I get back into reality all I've been doing is clicking the a button.I lost a couple of easy matches that way.


well... this a GBA battle, I was fighting a rayquaza and I sent out a pokemon which knew false swipe but I accidentally used Ice Beam!!!! NOOOO!!!!!

The Benmeister

Master of Magnet
Factory Head Noland (on his Silver symbol) defeated my Porygon and my Cloyster with just his Bayleef. It knew Grasswhistle, Synthesis, Body Slam and one other move I forgot (most likely a Grass attack). T'was embarrasing.

However, I got that out of my system when my Solrock defeated his Bayleef, followed by his Wigglytuff and his Quilava. Talk about a sweep :p