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Worst/Best Typing

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Well-Known Member
What do you think is the worst/best typing?

The worst would have to be bug/flying. You have weaknesses to fire, bolt-beam,flying,and a quadruple weakness to rock. The best typing relies on abilities. Lanturn would have a pretty good typing only if it had volt absorb. Otherwise, the best would haveGhost/Poison w/levitate or plain old water.
Ground/Rock is pretty bad. Weak to Ground, Fighting, Steel, Ice, Water (x4) and Grass (x4).

There's also Grass/Psychic. Weak to Fire, Ice, Poison, Flying, Bug (x4), Ghost and Dark.

The best is definitely Ghost/Dark. There's also Poison/Dark, Psychic/Dark, Water/Dragon and Dragon/Steel as awesome Typings. Many of them don't exist, though.


Meteor Trainer
I think the worst that exists is ground/rock since you have 4x weaknesses from both water and grass. It's too difficult to fight 2 common types.

I don't know what I'd consider the best. I can't say without biasing my favorites.
worst type has to be ground/rock, double weakness against both water and grass
the best type is definetly dark/ghost- no weaknesses
Orion Master said:
The best is definitely Ghost/Dark. There's also Poison/Dark, Psychic/Dark, Water/Dragon and Dragon/Steel as awesome Typings. Many of them don't exist, though.

psychic/dark would have a double weakness against bug

crackers, double post


I think Rock/Grass makes an excellent combo, both types are considered weak due to being paired with types that makes them have X4 weaknesses, but Rock and Grass combo manages to cover up most of their weaknesses.

Obiwan Shinobi

Best: Steal/Flying
Worst: Grass/Psychic (7 Weaknesses!)


Ski > You
Normal. Best type ever. Not to say the stats they get are any good, but as a type, they are only weak to fighting and have a world of good moves.
Double Slash
False Swipe (?)

Things like that, and not to mention their unfair level of versatility.
Gah... Miltank and Milk Drink. RUN!


One of the worst: Bug/Grass....Yikes! Parasect must hate its existance. >_>


one love
Grass/Psychic and Rock/Ground win the cake for worst. :<

From a defensive standpoint, Dark/Ghost stands out as the best type, but I would reckon that Normal/Ghost would be even more fab (sure, it's weak to Dark, but Normal types have those insane move compatibilities).

From an offensive standpoint, I would go with Ice/Electric or Fire/Dragon.


Dragon Master
Grass/Psychic is weak to loads of things, although the Pokemon with those types aren't too bad. Ground/Rock is really ad, especially sine those are common. Steel/Rock, even though they get 4x from Fighting and Ground isn't as bad as it could be because Normal and Flying attacks barely do any damage at all.

Good types would be... Water/Ground (one 4x weakness to Grass, not used much) and Fighting/Steel (weak only to Ground and Fire, one of which isn't used much).
Grass/Psychic is annoying. I love Celebi, but 7 weaknesses......That's why it's not 00ber, ffs.

Dark/Rock is meh. 6 weaknesses........Common ones, at that(for the most part).

I don't think Psychic/Dark is as godly as everyone says. Sure, the only weakness is Bug, but Heracross would have a field day at the sight of such Typing. Coupled with the terrible Defenses both Types often get(bar Umbreon and Lugia), gg Dark/Psychic Type.

Best Typing? IMO, Electric. Yhalothar one weakness and HP Grass/Ice to counter it. I dunno what Nintendo was playing at giving them one weakness. Really, wouldn't SE from Water make sense and balance out the Type a bit?

There's also Magneton(ton of resists and uncommon weaknesses(excluding EQ, but who leaves it in against that anyway?)), Lanturn(bunch of resists and one real weakness(counter Ground with Water)), and Skarmory(no Phys. Weaknesses goes well with that enormous Defense). All of them were bloody blessed.

The 8th Champion


Back I guess??
tell me if I missed something.
psychic/rock= water, grass, ground, bug, ghost, dark, metal (at least it doesn´t have any 4x weakness)

ice/dark= fire, fightining (4x), bug, rock, metal

ice/psychic= fire/bug/rock/ghost/dark/metal (and only two resistances, preety bad IMO.)

ground/rock= water (4x), grass (4x), ice, fight, ground, metal

bug, grass= fire (4x), flying (4x), ice, poison, bug, rock (at least it has 5 resistances and two of them :4)

water/psychic= electric, grass, bug, dark, ghost (at least 6 resistances)

normal/psychic= bug, dark (well, at least an psychic pokemon with immunity at ghost is good IMO)

psychic/metal= fire, ground (few too, and one is covered by rain dance (if it´s activated))

dragon/water= dragon (just one weakness that it´s already covered by the type combination!!)

ghost/dark= no weakness, but no resistences, at least 3 immunities!!!

bug/metal= fire (4x) (again something that is covered by rain dance)

I think it´s all
well, IMO I think that all the pokemon with 4x weakness are bad poemon, but scizor type is in the list just because rain dance.

Tropical Spirit

YAY! Original>You =3
~*Commander Blizzard*~ said:
Best Typing? IMO, Electric. Yhalothar one weakness and HP Grass/Ice to counter it. I dunno what Nintendo was playing at giving them one weakness. Really, wouldn't SE from Water make sense and balance out the Type a bit?
No. Just... no.
Do you REALLY want to make Water even MORE overpowered? I swear that if water gets another SE, I quit pokemon.
Plus 100% (Yes) of the Electric-type pokemmon have horrible defenses, meaning any attack will do the trick.

Worst type? Grass/Bug, Grass/Psychic and Ground/Rock.
Parasect is crap AND gets a horrible typing... Poor thing... ;_;
Grass/Psychic is about the same thing, but they got good pokemon.
Ground/Rock is just no. Period.

Best type? Well, this depends a LOT on the generation's current metagame and the pokemon's stats for me to say.
Tropius Master said:
No. Just... no.
Do you REALLY want to make Water even MORE overpowered? I swear that if water gets another SE, I quit pokemon.
Plus 100% (Yes) of the Electric-type pokemmon have horrible defenses, meaning any attack will do the trick.

Bloody piles of dung, calm down ._. I wasn't asking for Water in particular, but it's the most logical theory I can think of. Poison deserves another SE, because it only has ONE, as far as I know. But how does Poison interfere with electricity? Unless you pour Lauric Acid into a computer/cell phone/whatever, I don't really see how it could be harmful. We all know water shorts out electricity, why should it be any different in the games?

And don't underestimate their Defenses, that doesn't mean they can't take a hit. Look at Raikou, it can live through a bunch of stuff. Zapdos too. And unless I've missed my guess, you've totally missed the point of Electric Pokémon. Hit-and-run:eek:. Why do you think we use Alakazam? Aerodactyl? Starmie? Slaking? Scyther? Salamence? Because they HIT, and then they switch(RUN). Electric Types are no different. No idiot in their right mind uses Raichu to absorb blows, they put it in, kill stuff, and flee when they're outmatched. Same with Electabuzz. Durable to an extent, but not enough to take any serious damage. So shove it onto the field, make it kills things, and pull it back. Simple whoamg:eek:.

The 8th Champion


Well-Known Member
Lanturn is only good w/that high hp and volt absorb. Poison should have a se on bug like in r//b/g/y.

Tropical Spirit

YAY! Original>You =3
~*Commander Blizzard*~ said:
Bloody piles of dung, calm down ._.
I wasn't stressed. >__> It's just the way I talk, really. Sorry if you thought I was stressed.

I wasn't asking for Water in particular, but it's the most logical theory I can think of. Poison deserves another SE, because it only has ONE, as far as I know. But how does Poison interfere with electricity? Unless you pour Lauric Acid into a computer/cell phone/whatever, I don't really see how it could be harmful. We all know water shorts out electricity, why should it be any different in the games?
I know, and Poison should damn-well be strong agains Water. It would give Water the physical weakness and make Poison... usable. :eek:

And don't underestimate their Defenses, that doesn't mean they can't take a hit. Look at Raikou, it can live through a bunch of stuff. Zapdos too. And unless I've missed my guess, you've totally missed the point of Electric Pokémon. Hit-and-run:eek:. Why do you think we use Alakazam? Aerodactyl? Starmie? Slaking? Scyther? Salamence? Because they HIT, and then they switch(RUN). Electric Types are no different. No idiot in their right mind uses Raichu to absorb blows, they put it in, kill stuff, and flee when they're outmatched. Same with Electabuzz. Durable to an extent, but not enough to take any serious damage. So shove it onto the field, make it kills things, and pull it back. Simple whoamg:eek:.
Now now, don't talk with me like if I was a n00b. I know that. YOU was complaining about they only having one weakness, so that logic also applies to you. Geez.
Plus, 102% of the pokemon have Earthquake in nowday's metagame, even if they aren't Ground types (meaning HP won't do shit). The damn thing is even in the movepool of one of the worst pokemon movepool-wise ever. I HALO THAR TAURUS.

Sorry if I sounded stressed again, but there's nothing I can do. >___>;

Poke Freak

Dark/Ghost, no weaknesses, three immunities, and one resistance! But plain normal does also rule. One weakness, fighting, which isn't commonly found off a fighting type poke, so it's not all to hard to know when it's coming. Yah, I know, I'm odd.

One of the worse would be Grass/Psychic, seven weaknesses, one of them being a double weakness? Plus grass doesn't exaclty get STAB on the best moves, even though most grass types can learn leach seed and only grass types can learn it, I still don't find it a nice type combination at all. There's also Ground/Rock, 6 weaknesses, two are double weaknesses. At least it gets pretty nice STAB.
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