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Worst thing that has happened to you

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Well just say the worst thing that has happened to you in a game. Mine is i was down to my last pokemon, wobbufet, then my opponent sends out a wobbufet so we're just using counter and mirror coat until we end up in a war of struggles


shiny nidorino runing away in safari zone...
My first shiny i saw on the 3rd gen games too...
Meh, i caught a shiny zubat the next day, go me.


I said, Bring It ON!
in batle factory, i had a tyranitar, but he died. the enemy was down to a misdreavius and i was down to touros.

thunder wave
confuse ray
shadow ball
pain split

take down
tail whip

basically, can you see what happened?

we both kept healing ourselves and the only damage was the sandstorm, pain split, and confusion. that took 2hours or more to get over with.


i won.


i have that problem sometimes, i used to always nearly reset them after the league, just to start again. Now i try to resist that urge, although i want to play through ruby again now i've gone through emerald...


Snorlax eats n00bs!!
Meh, I sold all of my ultra balls, great balls, etc. on my Emerald to EV train my Milotic ( to buy vitamins), and while training against Geodudes and Gravelers for Defense, I saw a shiny Graveler :/ Almost threw my DS across the room.


Active Member
Mine is that I was to my last pokemon. I didn't realize it was a wynaut. I was fighting and wynaut was gettting pummeled. Luckily, the opponent milotic used water pulse, I used mirror coat, the opponent died. It was an awesome match like the ones in the tv show.


Active Member
Mine is that I was to my last pokemon. I didn't realize it was a wynaut. I was fighting and wynaut was gettting pummeled. Luckily, the opponent milotic used water pulse, I used mirror coat, the opponent died. It was an awesome match like the ones in the tv show.


Raiden Maximus
In my sapphire version in battle tower, BOTH my and my oppoment's last pokemon were ninetails. But nevermind about that-MY ninetails only have fire attack while the oppoment's at least had quick attack.I hate flash fire, and in the end my ninetails fainted by quick attacks while I tried to get rid of all it's PPs for struggle.

That was the time when I've learned to teach different move with different types-the hard way.


Well-Known Member
shiny gastly. you know how it is when youre just breezing through an area and just defeat every encountered pokemon, well i didnt realize it was a shiny and i fainted it out of habit.


The worst thing that happened to me?

I LOST MY EMERALD VERSION. along with my silver GBA SP. Now I'm turning my house upside down (I still haven't found it yet...) (... all my good pokemon were on there... perfect sp.atk Modest Zapdos... THE MEWS I GOT FROM TOYS R US... *SIGH*)
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Another of mine is that i lost my silver version and my ruby version, but now ive got crystal and emerald


Beginning Trainer
The Worst thing that happened to me was I was on Firered and my SP was out of juice. I went to save my game but the battery failed before it could save!

I started the game on my DS and got "game file corrupt" My heart sank.

I then went on to say "restoring from previous saved game" I had no idea it could do that but gold stars to Gamefreak.

top 8 guy

When I caught all 202 pokemon on sapphire and I sold it, my mate the buyer HE STARTED A NEW GAME!!!!!!!!!! WHAT AN IDIOT!!!!


Chikorita Lover
i saw a shiny tauros but it ran away
New one : i was hunting for a shiny chimeco and eventually i found got it into the red and parylized i opened my bag and ... no pokeballs!
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